Nostalgia | How long has it been since you last

Never did.
I changed from cartridge razors to electric razor about 3 years ago and haven’t look back!

Where can I buy one and the blades in Taipei?

look for a trendy/hipster shop for men, i saw one in kaohsiung arena; there is also the chance that you can find them in a men’s barber, or an online shop

i got mine from amazon, and ordered like 200 of the blades (after trying sample packs in order to find a brand i liked). i also liked the idea of shaving soap and a brush (no more aerosol cans, i buy soap in reusable metal containers. The only plastic still there is the lid of my aftershave. when i get low on blades i figure i’ll try one of the local online retailers…


Let’s do that. I hate the whole shaving industry for the rubbish products they force onto the consumer. Rip off after rip off.

How long has it been since you last checked out the shaving thread?

Ah, memories of upmarket badgers

Thanks , I need a shave, Covid is making me look too barbarian. Thanks