Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

As long as he doesn’t challenge the central government he’s going to be okay I’d say.

3 posts were split to a new topic: Cruises and coronoavirus

So there’s more cases in Germany than Taiwan but our company policy is basically saying ‘dont travel in Asia or from Asia’ ?


Anyone caught this one?

Coronavirus could be unkillable: top Taiwanese researcher Experts say carriers may continue to spread Wuhan coronavirus even after recovering, call for immediate development of vaccine

Yes discussed already…

Honestly, I’d be wary of any travel. Airports/airplanes hit the trifecta: no air circulation, no sunshine, crowds, hygiene questions…

I’ve heard the same as Hanna. Each quotation below is linked by the first few words.

I’m idly curious if I’ve ever had the flu. I don’t remember dealing with something like this.

Flu onset symptoms hit fast

Influenza (the common “flu”) will often surprise you with how fast it hits, and how serious it can become. Classically, the flu starts with a sudden onset of fever, chills, muscles aches, headache and tiredness. Usually there are other symptoms like runny nose and cough as well. You feel lousy and you feel lousy fast.

If you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck, it’s probably the flu. Symptoms like sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, congestion, and cough tend to come on suddenly.

The real flu - influenza - comes on suddenly and in full force. Most people feel completely normal when they go to bed and then wake up in the morning feeling like they were “hit by a truck”.

Had the flu several times as a kid, but never as an adult. I can feel the virus in my system when I catch it though. I’ll get a slight sore feeling behind my eyeballs, a lightheaded feeling and a tickle in the throat. Then the next day I’m back to normal.

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I didn’t see that anyone has posted this article, so here it is. This is very good news and I’m optimistic that doctors in the US might have found the “secret sauce” to battling this virus.

Note: They aren’t touting a cure, but that he’s home and recovering. I’ll reach out to some of my contacts in the medical community at the University of Washington in Seattle and see if I can get some inside information on what treatment regimen that was used.


There’s a New York Times piece examining whether or not the disease is really spreading without symptoms. For the woman who presumably transmitted the disease to people in Germany, there’s conjecture that she felt a little unwell even then, so perhaps wasn’t exactly asymptomatic. However, if I were on a business trip and had back pain, my first thought would be … well, actually, I wouldn’t even think about it. My back’s always in a bit of pain for a day or two after a lengthy flight.

The woman’s symptoms, including back pain, had been vague, and she had taken antipyretic medication, according to Bavarian health authorities and scientists at the institute. Antipyretic drugs are used not only to relieve fever, but also as painkillers and for their anti-inflammatory properties.


Back pain does seem like a weird initial symptom…

I got the flu a while back and the doctor iNitially diagnosed me as having the winter vomit bug or something like that because I felt something wrong with my stomach or intestines .
Then I asked another doc and he said general pain and headache is a symptom of the flu even if you don’t have a cough or running nose etc . Sure enough couple of days later my legs were killing me. If they can’t diagnose flu accurately well…

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Sounds like gastroenteritis to me…otherwise known as the “stomach flu,” even though it has nothing to do with the flu.

Yeah I think that’s what he diagnosed but later all my symptoms were consistent with the flu. It’s difficult to be accurate without tests. Doctors should use more accurate tools and test every patient to be honest. Even when you go to the mechanic the first thing they do is plug a laptop into the car to diagnose issues.

I remember when I had the flu in college, all I could do for two days was crawl out of my dorm room to refill my thermos with ice, and even doing that winded me. I didn’t have the strength to climb up to my lofted bed so I just slept curled up on my roommate’s bean bag like a dog. It’s truly debilitating.

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So what’s going on now in the news with the returnees from Wuhan? Lots of stuff in the local news but haven’t seen anything in the English news yet about the 3 extra passengers.

Gastroenteritis has very similar symptoms: stomach pain, cramping, fever, headache…

We are not on the ‘Enterprise’!

Good point…But it probably doesn’t induce pain in your legs I guess also I had fatigue as well. Having that pain in your bones would usually be flu I would have imagined.

All the tools are there to do flu tests already but they very rarely use them.

In fact they rather use their ‘judgement’ which handily involves them prescribing pills from their own pharmacy next door !

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