Novel coronavirus cases reignite SARS fears - the epidemic mess foretold

Take that, China!

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Maybe she has an issue with nose bleeds.


Well, it is high quality cotton, impermeable. If it is good to use to stop all kinds of bleeding, like in accidents, should be fine. Good idea.

I actually use those on Bobby’s «safety/polite shorts». It goes around the dog’s waist so if you are indoors, he won’t mark with pee… The disposable ones are too expensive, one retailer suggested to use the cloth «belt» part and put a feminine daily use napkin inside…and Bob’s your uncle.

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I have no idea what you just said.

4 Likes寵物外出用品/狗狗生理褲禮貌帶?sort=p.model&order=ASC&gclid=CjwKCAiA4Y7yBRB8EiwADV1haemViSxr7B7Ji32wTfNgmGFySvi7LiBMbGJH1x97cxzMbXRuScWuaBoCfgEQAvD_BwE

This. Like napkins, but for dogs. There are cloth ones and disposable ones.

EDIT: in English it seems to be called wrap diaper

It’s probably just stomach bug… watch yourself it’s easy to get it from kids… especially when changing diapers

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When dancing is your passion


I can’t even dance in my normal clothes. Dancing in a heavy, hot hazmat suit sounds like hell. But good for them!

Oh, the fact that Bobby is a dog is relevant.

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Everyone is coughing and sneezing on my plane. They don’t wear masks and cover their mouths. It’s ridiculous. I’ve gotten some strange looks for wearing a mask and wiping down the seats, one by a guy trying to record us doing it. Meanwhile he’s coughing…maybe consider it and you wouldn’t be sick.

I miss the way people act in public in Taiwan.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Cruises and coronoavirus

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cruises and coronoavirus


@MalcolmReynolds doing his best to test the resizing of our website there :rofl:


This guniang has some attitude:open_mouth:

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Jesus she’s feisty!

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Reminds me of my ex-wife… :dizzy_face:


Some of the videos of the police dragging screaming people into vehicles to be carted away - surely they are at greater risk what with any potential carriers.
The nutter in the above video, if she has it, her saliva surely went into the cop’s eyes.

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