Obama Smear Sampler

Its tuff on ya livin’ in the belly of the beast there in Chicaga…isn’t it?

Just relax and breath out the anxiety…breath in the peace…after Nov 7th or so the smoke will clear…(give it a day or so to sink in)

Well since George Orwell was brought up, I suggest reading the afterword by Erich Fromm in the Signet Classics (New American Library) 1961 edition.

“Doublethink” is the act of holding two contradictory ideas in one’s head and accepting them both. The writer cites several examples:[quote]…While we speak about the free world, we actually mean all those states which are against Russia and China and not at all, as the words would indicate, states which have political freedom.

…Related to this is another example of “doublethink”, namely that few writers, discussing atomic strategy, stumble over the fact that killing, from a Christian standpoint, is as evil or more evil than being killed.

…The reader will find many other features of our present Western society in Orwell’s decription in 1984, provided he can overcome enough of his own “doublethink”[/quote]

You think Toe’s dad is an Anti-Christ? That’s not very nice.

But does Toe think his dad is the Anti-Christ?

You think Toe’s dad is an Anti-Christ? That’s not very nice.[/quote]

It’s okay because Toe’s dad isn’t the messenger, he’s the message. So i can comment on that. Or am I being slanderous?

You complete eejits. That’s not my quote. NE14Tiffin’s Dad is the Anti-Christ. You can’t even slander right. Sheeesh. What is this? Fox(News)umosa?

Gimme a pound
Lock it down
Break the pickle
Tickle Tickle

‘Light to the World’: UK Columnist Shares Famous Column Mocking Obama’s Trip

I posted the print version of this, here is the author, Garad Baker - Times of London, doing it live…pretty funny. Listen to the entire thing.

"“Thence he travelled west to Mount Sarkozy. Even the beauteous Princess Carla of the tribe of the Bruni was struck by awe and she was great in love with the Child, but he was tempted not.”

Its just come out that Barrys ‘prayer’ he inserted into the West Wall in Jerusalem was intended to be ‘found’ and ‘shared’ by his fawning media cronies.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]‘Light to the World’: UK Columnist Shares Famous Column Mocking Obama’s Trip . . .

Its just come out that Barrys ‘prayer’ he inserted into the West Wall in Jerusalem was intended to be ‘found’ and ‘shared’ by his fawning media cronies.[/quote]

And what was his prayer? Wait, let me guess. That the American people recognize the error of their ways and see the doctrine of separation of church and state for what it is – the work of the Devil!

You think Toe’s dad is an Anti-Christ? That’s not very nice.[/quote]

It’s okay because Toe’s dad isn’t the messenger, he’s the message. So i can comment on that. Or am I being slanderous?[/quote]

But seriously Nama, what are your “Biblical” reasons for believing Obama is the Anti-Christ?

Gotta love these!



So if Obama is like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton, does that hurt his chance or help them?

Rumor has it that Obama didn’t go to the Western Wall to send a message to God, he heard it that was the place that people went to communicate with God, so he simply went there to say…“I’m here to pick-up my mail”…<rimshot!>

I’m not sure…is this considered a smear on the Great one?

Ludacris Obama Rap “Politics”, Lyrics & Video

Its all just are so confusing sometimes.
Think Barry has this one on his Ipod?

“McCain don’t belong in any chair unless he’s paralyzed”

Good one Ludacris, that’s gonna help him win :loco:

An excellent video of an Obama speech illustrating his power speech making skills. A must-see for all Obamatrons.

Get This Man A Teleprompter!

Wise move in his refusing to debate McCain…eh?

View the vid.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]I’m not sure…is this considered a smear on the Great one?

Ludacris Obama Rap “Politics”, Lyrics & Video

Its all just are so confusing sometimes.
Think Barry has this one on his Ipod?[/quote]

Ohhhh, someone is bittin’ on my posting…

Gao Bohan, you seriously think I’m gonna post my answers in these waters? :no-no: I’ll agree, but keep why to myself. :slight_smile:

This just in: Obama wants to be put on currency, and reminds us that he’s black in case we all plumb fergot.

你不想太多了 :laughing:

你不想太多了 :laughing:[/quote]

Jackie & Dunlap ring in on Obama not visiting wounded soldiers…Obama Won’t Visit Injured Soldiers

There used to be a bright, shining line between the profound and the ridiculous. Now it all goes down like a big, steaming glass of Kool-Aid and we end up mired in debates about whether something is satire or stereotype and exactly why it is that we’re fighting the war du jour.