Passenger of a drunk driver

Recently I was a passenger of drunk motorcycle driver. I got a ticket to pay a fine before 20 October 2024. I was wondering if this would affect my work permit. I knew that the driver had been drinking, but honestly I didn’t think he was over the limit, hence I agreed to get in the motorcycle with him.

He got arrested the whole night and went to court the next day. But I was let go immediately after I got the ticket.

People have lost their work permits for DUI driving. As you were a passenger perhaps not. But you will find out from the court.

As for you thinking someone is not over the limit, you don’t know that.

At least is wasn’t like this esteemed member of forumosa.

I can’t it will and I can’t say it won’t. However, any DUI offense can affect your work permit.

Well then that’s your fault. Why not order a taxi? (And encourage your “friend” do the same?

Doesn’t matter what you thought.

He went to court as you say?

Overall that’s like watching your friend chug three beers, get behind the handlebars of a MOTORCYCLE!! with YOU PASSENGER, and thinking (as he’s swerving dangerously on the road), “He’s probably fine—it’s not like he’s in court level drunk.” Then being shocked when you’re sitting outside the courthouse with your fine in hand while he’s inside pleading his case.

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I think 2 questions need clear legal clarification.

  1. Is being a passenger of a vehicle while intoxicated (for arguments sake let’s say ethanol as its legal and manufactured buly our government)?

  2. Is a passenger liable for a drivers reapinsibilities if the driver is said intoxicated?

My intuition is that if the passenger didn’t work hard to incriminate themself they could easily tell the police to politely fuck off. But I also wonder if motorcycles have different rules? Or if Taiwan has some funky rules in this regard?

Check the laws yourself, most are translated into English. The ask the horses mouth, anonymously, and while recording their whole explanation. Consider a lawyer after said recording of the government drones’ q&a.

He was go to court drunk. The law is “if the passenger reasonably knows he is drunk.”

I think we can easily draw a conclusion and say that @Norm25 knew his friend was drinking and knew his friend could be over the limit.

Take for example @Explant you were drinking. How do you actually know you’re over the limit? Maybe you don’t feel it but you are. You get stopped by the police… Can you say you didn’t know you were over?

M point isn’t the driver. No excuses there. But the passenger? I think youbjsut said a similar hing I was saying. Don’t incriminate yourself and you can’t be found guilty as you weren’t operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Maybe hats whyvso many long term lovers here just pretend to be asleep when things go down. Plausible deniability.

Either way, a passenger getting dinner for DUI is pretty much the definition of retarded. But I am curious what the law says. I’m not bothered to check as I don’t drive intoxicated. A thebsame time I have certainly been in taxis and uber where the person is intoxicated. Am I guilty of a crime? Or is this a motorcycle specific thing?

Yes in many countries if a passenger gets into a vehicle or on motorcycle with some one they know has been drinking they can also be charged with an offence. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. They can breath test passengers as well.

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The idea of it is to provide less of an incentive to drive and encourage them both to get a taxi.

Also taking a ride with the drunk driver usually means him driving a longer distance to drop off the passenger.

In that case you are not. However, a taxi driver driving drunk is a far more serious offense.

Some states in Australia do it for underage passengers when the driver is on their P plates and under 25.

But no country I know of does it for full licensed drivers that are sober.

Some countries however if the driver is drunk they will breath test the passengers too and if they are drunk they too can be fined.

Is that because they have a different registration (say, taxi)?

I get the tying to preent angle. But prove I knew. How’s that work? I Mena, fairly and with unbiased justice I mean. Seems like a massive grey area that can be abused by authorities and public alike. If I’m drunk. I don’t want to drive. Someone takes me hime. Be it taxi, bus, friend or family. How am I liable for being responsible and not driving myself?

This one seems like a banger for holding up Coutts

Smell it

Not really. Easy to smell and easy to see.

Take a taxi, bus or train and don’t rely on the friend you were drinking with.

Is it responsible to jump on the back of a motorcycle with someone drunk enough to go to court?

In many countries you are liable for being in a vehicle with someone you know has been drinking if the driver is charged for DUI. You can lose insurance compensation if in an accident as a passenger.

This is called contributory negligence.


I understand it was stupid to think he wasn’t too drunk.

I wasn’t taken to court. Only he was. I just got my ticket from the police station and they called a taxi for me to go home.

Though I will hand it to Taiwanese officers that they only fired once at his legs, and not mag dump on him…

I’m not sure I agree with this law.

You can’t tell if someone’s drunk by looking at him, and do the law expect us to do field sobriety tests on someone before getting in his car? Also what if a taxi driver is DUI, do the passenger get a ticket too?

“Hey I need a ride somewhere, but first can you recite the alphabet backwards so I can see you’re not drunk?”

I think someone needs to fight this law tooth and nail.

It does not matter what you do or do not agree with. It is well known in Taiwan that if you are out with people and also get into a vehicle with a drunk driver you know has been drinking there are consequences.

Passengers on a bus in Taiwan can’t be fined if the driver is drunk.

Ask the NIA. I think you’ll be OK.

The police did you a favour.

What if you didn’t know? Are you liable for this? I mean if you saw him chug and he’s a known alcoholic and still drives, then that’s one thing, but someone who had a couple of drinks won’t know he’s over the limit unless tested. Passengers can’t test for this.