Pelosi visiting Taiwan in August 2022

Good strategy. Tell the politician with one of the strongest histories of support for Taiwan to fuck off.



Lol, well, in more diplomatic words.

Something along the lines of “We appreciate your stance in support of Taiwan’s independence, but due to the risk of increasing tensions we feel it is appropriate to postpone such a visit at this time”

Maybe they can buy more than Milk Tea, and I can introduce more Taiwan food products there the next trip out

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I’ll be sure to advise that to the next rape victim I meet when they talk to the police.

I appreciate your stance in support of me getting help and away from my stalker, but due to the risk of increasing tensions with my stalker, I feel it is appropriate to postpone such a visit at this time.

I’m sure that would’ve really helped Kristen French.

The mistakes of Ukraine were appeasing Russia, doing nothing when they annexed Crimea and then started the war in Donbas. The message this sent to Putin is that the West is weak and won’t do anything if I launch an all-out war on Ukraine.

The lesson is not to make the same mistake with China. Appeasement doesn’t work when faced with an autocratic bully.


They take and they take and they take. When you draw the line, they project onto you as non peaceful. They are only happy when you fall in line.

You want peace? Fall in line.

  1. You are equating rape with, Nanci Peloci visiting. Again, there are some red lines worth fighting for (stinky tofu, bubble millk tea) and some not.

  2. Being raped and alive is for most people better than being raped and being killed. By all means fight back if you can win, and if it’s worth fighting for, but look at the reality of the situation.

I never said rape is good, I never said never to fight back.

Just look at the reality. What will be the consequences, and is it worth it.


The reality is that every time you appease the bully it emboldens them further.


Why? Why that number, and why is it won.

Yeah I am. You cannot marry a woman that does not consent with you, China cannot forcibly marry with Taiwan without Taiwan’s consent.

Taiwan is making the choice it has the right to make by letting or denying Pelosi entry.

And we should be prepared to defend our rights, lest they be taken away by bad actors.

I can assure you our choices in Taiwan are, go with China, end of Taiwan. Not go with China and have a chance at survival.

So, is she coming tonight/tomorrow or not?

Based on how she and Shumer managed to keep Trump out of office the first time around, I am confident she’ll be able to make the right decisions in this delicate situation. :woozy_face:

No. There’s another choice. Be diplomatic, let China keep driving it’s propaganda van around hoping to convince people into a peaceful reunification, while waiting for better times like the CCP falling apart.

In the mean time, continue to prosper and live fairly free and indipendent.


Yes, arriving late tonight and meeting the president tomorrow.

That’s not a guaranteed strategy either, it has a huge number of unknowns, it allows China to keep increasing its strength, and can embolden them to attack because there might not be an effective deterrent if they think there is no support.

They’re not giving us a choice. The time to build our Guanxi is now.

There is no diplomacy with China.


Its quite funny how it was said that the trip is kept secret because of so and so and security reasons and all that and here everyone know when she is coming, where she is staying, what airport, what time. Probably even know what food she be eating

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No it’s not twisted, the DPP are in power and the only one capable of inviting Pelosi.

The DPP also paid for the Pompeo trip(150,000).

I’m not sure what you find twisted about that.

Unless you aren’t being serious, I’m not sure I entirely get your logic

Just arbitrarily picked it hahah, but roughly think a good target

Because by that point, you would hope for a change in the grander scheme of things. Like all the old generation has died off and younger people in China no longer care anymore

No no no, please no nuance
Something something principles something something stand up to bullies something something rara

The sad part is that those words very true. Sadly the world seems unwilling to do even basic steps. Guatemela, Haiti and so on somehow are the only ones with balls? Bribes or not, they still have the members to say no to china. Something the US and most others should be ashamed of.

How pathetic have we become we prefer to coward to oppressive countries so we can buy stuff made by slaves. I thought the US, of all nations, would have learned that lesson by now.

I hope she comes, if for no other than Guanxi…which is about as useful as missiles.


I don’t think you get it.

It’s nobody’s choice but Taiwan’s to allow Pelosi in.