Poll: Which convenience store do you support the most?

The only thing I’m not sure about is concert tickets. Otherwise, you can do the same thing at gas stations in the USA. :roll_eyes:

Oh and American gas stations have gambling and straight up restaurants not microwave food.

I understand the appeal of this, but it seems that every time I just want to buy a Diet Coke and get the hell out of a convenience store there are people who are looking to pay the entire neighborhood’s bills using 17 codes on their phones, completely undermining the convenience aspect of a convenience store for me.


Simple Mart! It’s the closest to me, and they have fresh fruit. Otherwise, 7-11. (the second closest)

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711 has the best coffee.

Family Mart has the best ATMs for international cards.

Family Mart has upped its game with some nicer stores here and there.

The only things that really affect my decision other than convenience.

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7/11 without question.

I think Simple Mart is just a small grocery store.


That’s a good point. I have similar feelings about ATMs here being used for so much more than quickly grabbing cash. It’s amazing how long you can wait in line at those sometimes.


Now imagine if all those people did that stuff at the bank.

We’d never get outta there.

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Really? What state? Not any of the 6 or so I’ve lived in, unless this is a recent development. I’ve never even seen one that lets you drink the canned/bottled beer on site (not that you’d normally want to in most places there), let alone has draft beer.

I’m with you on the food, at least at some of them. Those are often more like giant truck stops than small convenience stores, though.

And of course the stuff like bill paying and concert tickets (and anything else iBon does) is so easy to do online in the states that there’s no real need to do it at a convenience store. I’m still impressed by the wide range of things 7-11 and FM can do in such small spaces on seemingly every block in Taiwan, though.

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24 hours, very close by, has everything i need… awfully convenient…

Enjoying some of this now—cocoa and peanuts from southern Taiwan. It’s impressively sophisticated, with a nice use of salt. And it’s the Family Mart house brand!



Not all stores that are convenient are “convenience stores.” :blush: I didn’t realize some Carrefour Markets are 24 hour, though. Maybe they are starting to straddle the line more, now. The one near me is just like a regular Carrefour in every way except maybe 1/3 or 1/2 the size. Still way bigger (and less convenient, apart from selection) than 7-11 or FM.


sure, but what specifically makes those two stores not fit the definition of convenience stores? my carrefour market is even on a corner…

some family marts sell fresh vegetables, does that make them not convenience stores either?

SimpleMart for cheap beer and discount milk (they start slashing prices when it’s close to expiration date, and that stuff never goes sour), 小七 for their giant NT$70 lattes.


3 posts were split to a new topic: From convenient

The only one I go out of my way for is Hi-Life, because of the Hopbot IPA and the Lithuanian beers. But not every location sells them.


I gotta say Hi-Life (which back in the day was sorta in OK territory) has also upped its game. It may well be the winner of a Most Improved Award.

Some tea egg fans claim theirs is the best of the bunch.


48% vote 7/11
41% vote Family Mart.

I imagine these figures are similar to actual market share. People are likely generally just going to the closest location. They pretty much all sell the same products, with a few edible and drinkable tweaks.

I do want to pass along a shout-out to my local OK, which would definitely be a contender for the Dirtiest and Most Downbeat Award. :rofl:



Is it filthy enough to drown out the stench of them f@ckin nasty tea eggs?