Precautions when cycling in Taiwan during COVID

If a person has a high enough reading comprehension, its no sweat :slight_smile:

I’ve been wearing a buff when heading out in the morning and though it does, technically, nothing (or worse than nothing) related to covid, it’s a mask. I do have a proper surgical mask ready if I encounter people.


Thanks. That’s a good idea, even if it sounds like yet another way for me to overheat. Plus I approve of the dumb mix of following the letter of the law while utterly ignoring the spirit of it - that seems appropriate for this kind of rule.


Cycling is pretty low in terms of contracting the virus, but please still follow CECC rules!

I am pretty unhappy that cycling has been put on halt for the next two weeks, but it is for everyone’s safety. I would highly highly recommend staying indoors unless you are using cycling as a tool for commuting. In that case be sure to bring some alcohol spray/wipes and keep your mask on at all times!

If you still have that cycling itch, it’s time to get that indoor trainer/roller that you have been dreading.


I hear you all and yes there is a chance to get f’ed by a busybody for not wearing a mask. The thing of it is, I’ve been cooped up all f’ing winter due to pollution levels above my comfort zone. These green AQI numbers of late need to be taken advantage of. Where I ride, I see more cows, ducks and pigs than humans. I think I’ll be good.


Where are you at? I don’t know anywhere in Taiwan where you see more farm animals than humans. Even the countryside is more densely populated than Austin, TX.

Would it hurt so much to do even a cursory google search before posting stuff that’s really wrong? It took me ten seconds to check this, a few more minutes to type it.

Austin: population density 1,007.9/km2.

Pingdong County: 300/km2. And of course, that’s the county as a whole; if you look just at the countryside, the density will presumably be much lower.


APB -foreigner on a bike no mask!!!
Bikes dont have tags, just like when bikes are illegally parked they put a sticker that says dont park here( no fine ) but they cant do anything

I dont think the news with be full of videos or photos of maskless or masks not covering the nose bike riders
 cars scooters sure police can go after if they want
Police are don’t enforce much here, so i can only assume biker riders are not a priority . Omg police are going to go nuts so much extra work for them now

And biking is not over( joy riding possibly frowned on) biking for a reason seems ok untill level4
And i have seen many tw locals running with masks, many
 its shocking to me .
Tw luthiers not attacking you i like you 
just making points

Sometimes it is not just about wether you will be caught
dura lex, sed lex

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Guys I get it, it sucks. But, it isn’t really that bad. I have been doing hardcore sprints with a mask, biking, distance running, you name it. It is not fun, but if you want to be out during lockdown (and you do before it goes to a higher level, trust me), just suck it up and ride with a mask. You get used to it eventually. Or not, and don’t ride (bad idea IMHO)

It is not fun, but welcome to Covid - Taiwan has been blessed up to now; it is what the rest of the world has been dealing with for the last year, and it really, really sucks.


This is every reason I would go out right now :laughing:

Nonetheless, a few friends have been ticketed running red lights! So do not think police will not pull over a cyclist for not following guidelines. Foreigner + bike ticket is probably amazingly ma fan, but don’t be that guy.

It’s only two weeks! It’ll be over before you know it.


If you wear large sunglasses your face doesnt give away that you are a foreigner and is useless for video evidence in case some nitwit thinks he is a hero for submitting a picture

I know soldiers must train with their gas masks on at times. And gas masks make even a casual stroll difficult, because the mask isn’t comfortable, and it sucks away available oxygen, but it must be done and soldiers are trained for it. Sometimes they will motivate you by burning some CS capsules
 you will fall in LOVE with your mask when they do. I did NBC training in the army
 regardless of how hot it is you will love that mask when the CS is released.

Or get those gas masks with the fresh air system, you know ones that blows filtered air into your mask? Looks freaky but will not suck away oxygen, allowing you full respiratory function.


Or if you have blond hairy arms
 they may know its a foreigner

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Well those who think it’s just two weeks, you are crazy optimistic. I think reality check two months would be nice. Much more expect level 4 to hit soon. And completely wrong/useless rules should be disrespected. Point.

I will never wear a mask riding bike on the countryside or hiking

If people instead stay indoors with 4 friends this is way more dangerous. It’s crazy many governments worldwide don’t get it. Switzerland never forbid any kind of outdoor sports and didn’t do worse than Austria and much better than France or Italy that forbid everything

Rules and regulations should be based on common sense at least. Outdoors only with mask on is not. Outdoors if crowded or distance less than 2m except passing by someone mask mandatory would be tolerable even if science still says outside nearly no infection at all.

Post a video with you trying to explain that to law enforcement or CDC officials
then it is real balls.

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I hope you’re right, but I suspect that’s too optimistic.

I’m being glass half full. Otherwise, if I know shit is going to get worse and I am stuck on the indoor trainer during summer months, I may go crazy too.

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I rode with a mask today, pulled it under my nose when no one is around and pull it over my nose when passing people.
Also, drinking water required you to pull down your mask.

I saw about 8 cyclists, all Taiwanese. 6 wearing mask and 2 not wearing a mask at all.

If your mask is just under your nose is that considered not wearing a mask? Can you still get fined for it?

It isn’t fun wearing it on climbs, and my glasses fog up a lot. Going downhill is totally fine.


I noticed 6 of 10 cyclists wearing masks. All were by themselves. People out hiking were generally wearing it under their chins until they passed people. All logical and reasonable behavior.

Considering that the masking rate of cyclists appears to be only slightly worse than people you see in 7-11, I’m going to do what I think is safe until somebody gets plastered on the news and made an example of.