Priests and nuns

I’m not aware of any such cases. It’d be super hushed up for sure.


There must have been loads in the 80s.

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I guess? I’m not completely clear on what you’re saying.

All sex outside marriage is adultery but two gay catholic men in a monogamous relationship are still damned as adulterers since the Church won’t let them sanctify their union before God.

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Got it thanks. Yep, I wouldn’t even call it a catch-22 but str8 hypocrisy.

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That’s what I’m talking about !

Are you advocating gay marriage ?:thinking:

Gay marriage? In the Catholic Church? Why not? I think priest should be allowed to marry.

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Whenever I get within a few yards of a nun, I start to feel like I’ve done something wrong. I probably have. This doesn’t happen with priests for some reason. I’m probably thinking on a subconscious level that they’ve done more twisted shit than me.


That’s because they are that auntie. The bitter Betty that is always judging someone for something.

Oh hell, I’ll say it, I hate nuns. Made my life hell for 2 1/2 years.


It’s all projection for me, but I’ve heard the stories, ha.

And they all are true. :rage::rage::rage::cry::joy::joy:

Doesn’t sound very Catholic :grinning:.
Jesus did say though : love one another

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Hurmpf. I’ll go to confession about it. Not.

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You should ask for the priest’s confession.:grin:.


I gossip too much. IJS. :smirk::wink:


He doesn’t give a fart about your behavior or word use, he’s a cool guy.

Not true, I’ve met pretty hip nuns and priests. But yeah, we have some of them in the family.

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I feel the same around nuns, I start feeling guilty about any messed up thing I did previously and less of that feeling around priests. That’s kind of interesting we both feel that way. I think it is a good thing though.