Priests and nuns

Confession is good. :fu:


Except in my case, I’m an atheist. Sounds like my issues are more serious. :sunglasses:

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No you’re just possessed by demons and they freak out around nuns. :sunglasses:


And all this time I was exercising when I should have been exorcising.


So there’s some truth to my post :wink:

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Maybe ha
Why atheist ? Why not agnostic ?

Either one is fine. I mean ultimately who knows, right?

“Ultimately” was that a Freudian slip? Anyway you seem like a nice bloke good luck to you either way. Nearly all my friends are atheist oh wait that would only be about 10 people :rofl:

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Well, I hope I’m not going to hell…I hate hot weather. My wife is Catholic, so maybe she can put in a good word for me? I’ll settle for purgatory.

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I can sell you some indulgences if you want.

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I think I’ve done enough indulging for a while. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I got these straight from a priest, they’re really good.

Yeah, but who knows what you cut them with? They could be the bath salts of indulgences. :sunglasses:

I just gave them a light sprinkle of pixie dust, all good

I went to a black baptist church in Texas. Idk why I felt more comfortable there, but I did. I tried Korean church and one mega church with affluent people but neither felt like a fit for me.

The pastors for the black baptist church I went to were pretty cool and down to earth. Also funny and just more approachable. Some of them are reformed from some pretty dark past, those are usually the ones that really have level of faith and also realistic understanding of others imo. I never felt like I needed to act a certain way around them. Maybe just not say fuck so often.

Whenever I drive by nuns here in Italy, I pull down the window and tell “ciao Bella!” At them. I think they like it. I never felt comfortable with Catholic priests, they just seem so strict.

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Cause you could touch your neighbor😉.

Oh nosssss. You don’t want purgatory. You can’t pray for yourself. It’s like being in the DMV for eternity.

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You’re not the first to have that experience.


…or fornication if not adultery.

Some interesting quotations here, btw:

Haha, yeah the choir was really good.