Rare Ice Cream Finds

Forget the ice cream. That bright practical-looking kitchen is not in Taiwan is it? :rofl:


184 posts were split to a new topic: The Ekselent Thread About Ekselence Ice Cream

scored it in Jason’s for $150 a box


家麒門市 7-11 in Banqiao. Didn’t see any Latvian products though :slightly_frowning_face:


No way!
Those have been M.I.A. for over a decade! By the looks of that one, it may just be the last from that long ago.

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I remember feeling disappointed when those delicious additive puppies disappeared.

Then I thought: maybe that is for the best.


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:dog: + :dog: = :dog::dog:

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I wish Haagen Dazs weren’t so expensive in Taiwan.

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As per Food for Foreigners in FB my wish to finally see a Napolitano ice cream in Taiwan has been granted…selling in a hypermarket in the middle of a @#$&!! pandemic. :sob: :rant: :sob:

Would love to…but don’t dare. With my luck, I’d go to my local one and there would be none…

RT Mart BTW.


That’s an Australian brand, right?

Anyone tried it?


These are also at PxMart. I bought the salted caramel and chocolate one pretty good. The cookie is very soft.

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:sob: Even worse. PX Mart is so close…and yet so far.

One thing I did not have time to buy before TSHTF was ice cream. I usually stock my freezer with Meji bars for summer. Alas, did not move fast enough this year and unless we go to level 2 and there is still this ice cream left, I won’t have the chance to try it. :sob:

新巨蛋門市 7-11 has five. Yes, I can see what is also in the top right. But I only noticed them just now while uploading the photo! I hope they’re still there. Looks like @Marco 's kiwis may be there too.

Whilst in family mart (板橋漢江店) they have Twix ice cream bars (are they any good?) and I thought I’d struck gold when I saw the blue and white wrapper next to them and guessed it was a Bounty ice cream bar. Unfortunately it turned out to have a polar bear on the label and not Bounty, so I walked out empty handed. Now I’ve reread this thread I’m wondering if that was the Pols that @Celeborn mentioned?

Yes it is!


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Does anyone know why there are left and right versions of the Twix ice-cream?

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I can confirm 711 is carrying snickers ice cream bars again. This time they are twice the size and twice the price.

Word of warning, they melt extremely fast!


One is for the alt-right proud boys, the other one is for the Antifa Supersoldiers.

It’s just a marketing gag. The candy bar comes in a pack of two. So you have a “left” one and a “right” one in the pack.

One is right handed and one is left handed.

Like forks!

Also, since we’re in the current year of our lord COVID, you can’t pull off your mask to eat them in 7/11 or on the street anymore… so better hope you’re near your home when you purchase them.

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