[quote=“PaddyB”][quote=“ranlee”]So I have my mind set on my first road bike that I will purchase within the month, but I’ve come to another road block. Accessories. Since I will most likely be buying from Nanjing E Road or Donghu Giant shops, the discount on the bike will go straight to accessories.
From my research and looking through the forums, I have narrowed it down to a few necessary items:
-Back/front light
-seat pouch bag
-bottle holder(s)
Some things I would like to add, but I do not think are necessities:
-parking rack
-speedometer vs phone rack
Does anyone have any input on my necessities vs add-ons and if you think I should be purchasing these straight from the Giant store or doing some online shopping on yahoo tw or maybe even the Decathalon store Neihu.
I do want to pick out the speedometer vs phone rack. Why buy a speedometer when you already have a 3G phone with apps that can track for you? Afraid GPS will fail? Also, anyone know of any phone racks on the market that do not have the protective “bag”?[/quote]
Gloves are an absolute necessity. Buy the nicest, thickest ones you can afford.
Buy a nice floor pump (800-1500 NTD I think) unless you enjoy fixing pinch flats on the side of the road in 35c heat. I have the Topeak Joe Blow Max or something like that and it works great.
Speaking of pinch flats, a spare innertube or two is a must. I always keep one in my seat bag. You might also want to buy some tire levers, although I’ve never had to use them (but they would have been nice the couple of times I’ve had to bloody my fingers a bit)
Spend as much as you can afford on shorts, the ones with crappy asspads are almost worse than not wearing shorts at all.
Bike computers work better than phones. I tried using Strava on a mobile phone once - the phone decided to auto update in the middle of my run and that was the end of that experiment. Giant Nanjing has the Edge 200 for 2000 something NT. It works great for logging your rides, as long as you dont care about monitoring the training stuff like cadence etc.
Get the little parking triangle thing, it makes lubing your chain and doing minor adjustments much easier.
Speaking of which, dont forget a bottle of chainlube (I prefer the wet/oil lube, the dry/nanometal stuff is pretty useless in my experience)
A bike tool with hex/allen wrenches is a cheap and very useful thing to pick up as well.
Hope that helps, welcome to your new OCD-inducing hobby![/quote]
Typed up a whole response and it’s gone. Here’s what I think I wrote…
Thanks everyone for your input, very very helpful!
Do you guys really think the maintenance items are a necessity right from the get go? I plan to do Riverside Park for the time being and then slowly move my way out to the mts. I also live less than 5 min ride from Nanjing Giant store, which told me they won’t charge for minor maintenance.
Can you guys enlighten me on spare inner tubes? Is that for my tires? Or?