Ron DeSantis

Some people don’t like the precedent of making unilateral orders and dictates like you are some dictator. They don’t like being told they can’t go to church, which they see that as their right in the constitution, Governors like Ron DeSantis don’t have the right to demand they not go to church or demand they wear a mask (this is very true of people that voted for DeSantis).

They believe you can ask nicely, you can urge people to do so, but Governers are not god or Dictator. If Governors can just make up any rule they like under the excuse “it’s an emergency” the argument goes the powers that be will always want an emergency so they can constantly tell you what to do, it’s an authoritarians dream come true.

But I’ve already given the alternatives for DeSantis. It’s ok, hard pass, I get it.

Ok, it’s open to @mick then.

Let’s just drill down. Anyone can answer.

Does anyone think a reasonable person is incapable of making the connection between mocking legitimacy of heath officials and punishing adherence to their guidance, and an increase in covid?

It really is that simple.

I replied above @mups in case you missed it. Mandates are a slippery slope, we have one in Taiwan that says you must wear a mask at all times outside of the house. Does it make sense when I’m riding a bicycle? Of course not, there is 0% chance of catching coronavirus when riding a bicycle, but it’s still law here and I’d still be liable for a fine if my nose was poking out.

But he like, is saying if schools follow mask guidelines, he will defund them. So he seems to disagree with you.

In response to several Florida school boards considering mask mandates in advance of school openings, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just signed an executive order threatening to withhold state funds from any school boards that require mask usage during the upcoming school year

I wonder what the reaction would be in TW if a local official tried that. Actually I don’t wonder at all.

Probably because actively getting in the way of preventing a major health crisis is illegal. As it should be.

isn’t he saying that they can’t issue mandates? aren’t guidelines and mandates different things?

again, i’m not defending RDS, just pointing out how poor your argument is…

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I think you’re starting to lose perspective about the topic now. He wants to punish school boards for mandating masks. Maybe you think it sounds better now?

This is your hill for whatever reason, I hope you guys enjoy basking on it. :rainbow:

i think this is a dodge

i think if the CDC guidelines were that masks should be mandated in schools, the schools should do that. i think he is probably on the wrong side of the mask issue generally, but perhaps on the right side of the allow-public-schools-to-dictate-private-citizen-behaviour issue. i also think he’s on the right side of the vaccine issue, and that he is using fauci’s mistakes for political leverage (politicians will do that, you might want to know)

i think it sounds over simplified as you are trying to make a point, but you’ve lost perspective on the point that i was trying to make.

clear argumentation and using words for what they mean? well, the reasons should be obvious. and yes, i will bask (thanks!)

Right, it’s in the first sentence, the schools want to introduce mask mandates, he is saying no to mandates and individuals should be allowed to decide.

The CDC also recommended not going to church, he can recommend not going to church the constitution clearly states a persons right to go to church will not be infringed, one can argue such mandates are unconstitutional, if people go to church knowing the risks, that’s on them. The CDC is not god either.

In Australia they are going to keep lockdowns going until 70% are inoculated, they are currently at around 20% and estimate it will be the end of the year before 70% is achieved.

You are probably aware that this authoritarian approach is not without valid criticism nor that this kind of approach may cause more problems than it fixes. There are many ways to tackle a problem you know.

44 posts and the idea that each and every unvaccinated person hangs on Desantis’s words just slips in unchallenged?

The death rate in FLA from the extremely dangerous and remanded fo’ coolness “Rona”, last I saw was still going down.


Translation, if you aren’t going to bring in mandates, let schools and businesses do it.

DeSantis’ office fired back at Psaki, pointing out that the state allows parents to decide whether their children will wear masks or not, and highlighting that the governor held over 50 vaccine-specific events urging Floridians to get the shots.

“By dismissively ignoring Governor DeSantis’ efforts to protect vulnerable Floridians, Psaki is the one playing politics with the pandemic,” DeSantis press secretary Christina Pushaw told Fox News in an email.

“The White House should be more concerned about the flip-flopping of the CDC, which is inadvertently promoting vaccine hesitancy with their confusing, contradictory public communications. Stating that vaccinated people should wear masks and socially distance is implying that the vaccines do not change anything, which is the wrong message for our federal government to be promoting.”

Gee, they sound upset, like someone is lying about them.

Psaki appears to have partially misrepresented Florida policy – DeSantis made mask-wearing optional for Florida students but did not prohibit students from wearing masks.

Oh, well that explains it.

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Good speech:


He is an impressive orator.

Like always, people only think about themselves.

Not much different to the people who say no one can go to church. I’m not religious so doesn’t affect me, but there is a legitimate question how far others can tell people who are perfectly healthy and haven’t broken any law what they can and can’t do.

Australia for example has people locked up at home, soldiers going around to make sure they don’t leave and for a relatively small number of cases, one might wonder if that is the wisest approach or if there might a better way of handling things.

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He’s like a political ninja. What a clusterf8ck.

Wouldn’t surprise me if life imitated art at some point:

I’m sure in twenty posts, you’ll forget this was an Onion and start saying it’s true, just like you did yesterday with that reference to injecting bleach. :roll:

It was in funny pics and didn’t even claim anyone said it. :rofl: But still, it’s a fair interpretation based on synonyms, always has been, even with the weird constant crying about it in this neck of the woods. Better hills and all that.

Anyway Deathsantis parodies himself enough:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is doing everything within his power to prevent school children from wearing masks in the fall. Even though one in every five new Covid-19 cases is in Florida, DeSantis continues to push his pro-Covid agenda as the state’s Department of Health issued an emergency rule allowing children the option to “opt out” of school masking mandates on Friday.

Florida is experiencing the worst of the pandemic as the Delta variant spreads, and the state has reported more cases this past week than any other. Florida also broke another record this week as 12,000 more people were hospitalized with the virus. Compared to the original Covid-19 strain, the Delta variant is more harmful to children, and Florida has reported more young people in the hospital with the virus — 13,400 — than any other state.