Safety for women in Taiwan

You need to do something if no one else will. You’ll regret it for the rest of your life if you don’t.

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I heard similar comments where a couple of the local managers at the time would boast of trying to feel up (or worse) some of the KTV working girls. Also of their exploits in China. I always understood it more as bravado and immatureness than anything else. I never saw them actually do it

Absolutely right. Totally agree. I think what me and olm and others are simply saying is that as a tourist or visitor walking down the street at night is much much safesafer than the majority of the planet. We are all saying rape and assault is very real here, and i dont like doing the country comparison thunng. But as a tourist (the vibe i got from the original question) its actually useful. I would far rather be here at night than anywhere in NA, Europe etc.

That all said, i think everyone knows street rape/sexual assault also happens. Its just that in this case it likely is lower than say canada, usa, uk etc. And that rape within families, workplaces and institutions like schools and religions/cults is FAR more prevalent. I think this is pretty apparent. Its not to take away from the former, just a simple discussion on numbers. 1 rape is too much and not tolerable, to be sure.

And i fully agree with you on police. I know police that rape and the department covers them up. One of my.previous students was raped weekly by her police father and the department covered it up. The mom killed herself a couple years ago. Taiwan is ugly, and its almost all due to face and family issues that stem out. Harsh truth. So believe me, most of us are totally on page with you.

And as the bear mentions, businessmen are nototriously disgusting. I refuseto go out for drinks anymore as it always leads to me either being ultra depressed or losing my shit and burnjng bridges.

Its a toxic world. No question…:frowning:


Thank you very much @nz for sharing your and your friends experience. This certain puts what I heard and saw before into a different perspective.


Long term Taiwan residents like us will have suspicions of certain situations. Especially weird family stuff.

But Taiwanese just seem to completely ignore this stuff. Only a bit more recognition of school issues now.

One day they will wake up and start to take it seriously in many cases.


I suspect lots of stuff stays in the family.

So foreigners have nothing to worry about. Unless you marry into a taiwanese family…

They don’t call them 怪叔叔 for nothing.


Im a man and am as integrated as i could possibly be and have gone through horrendous shit here. Quite bad actually, but cant post about anything really personal. And i have a penis! Meaning i am big and capable and can physically defend myself. The stuff foreign brides go through fills me with a murderous rage hard to put into words. and i have serious scars to prove it. Those women arent the dumb folk walking into ktvs for fun. They are essentially slaves. I mean, many literally have barcodes tatooed on them. This is the side of taiwan that rarely gets discussed. And i get why. But problems dont get fixed if they arent first addressed…

But again, on the street as a tourist, far safer than many places. This is a given. The other issues are a serious stain on taiwans bright light and i feel only losing face nationally and publicly will it ever be solved. The government, like the society, prefers to turn a blind eye. i almost got deported on saying such things. fucking hypocritical cowards.

Still better than china, hurrah… we beat the worst. :frowning:

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I think the problem is many white foreigners come to Taiwan thinking Taiwanese women/families are all submissive and all that. Then they find out that Taiwanese women can be VERY bossy and will have all their bases covered so they can throw YOU out on the street if you pissed them off enough. Having superior physical strength does not defend you against that.

I don’t like family politics and will avoid marriage/relationships to stay out of it.


Exactly. Off the street and outside of face, there is no white privilege here. Thats fine, actually ideal. No one should have literal privilege. But abuse is rampant here, race plays little role if we just get down to brass tacks and discuss class, culture, society, politcs and assholes.

But isn’t the whole start of problem relationship with foreign/local marriages the problem of expectation?

What I mean is, if you marry a Taiwanese because you hoped they’d be submissive and you can just order her around, you’re going to be sorely disappointed. Taiwanese women are far more independent than women in the states. They’re also far more feminist too, to the point that in many Taiwanese family, women controls the family finance.

If you go into a marriage with a Taiwanese with the same expectation as marriage from your country, then you should be fine. But any expectation of privilege and there will be problems.

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No, because only assholes marry someone expecting submissivness. This is one of the 50 shades of grey in the rape category if im being honest. Poor reason for marriage. And this is why so many douchebag taiwanese men buy foreign brides, because many taiwanese women cant be handled as if they were a car (or scooter for the panzies that cant drive on 4 wheels). That is half good and half tragic at the same time.

Such douchebaggery needs to be dealt with on all levels, not just police and government. The society needs to wake up and embrace moral behaviour as well. This is not to preach, just to say abuse of any kind is absolutely not ok. And it isnt a womens issue, its a human issue. Abuse goes far beyond just women, and should be snuffed right out at conception when applied to anyone or any creature with fetish type intentions.

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The flip side to this coin is also an unfortunate reality. Many Taiwanese women specifically target foreign (western) men with the idea he will cater to her every whim…they want a house husband who will cook, clean, take care of the kids, etc all on top of having a good paying job.

Add a foreign guy who has the false idea his Taiwanese GF / wife will cater to his every whim and, well…recipe for absolute disaster.

It is unfortunate, as it leads to a lot of broken relationships.

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I don’t think I’ve met a single person who thought Taiwanese women were submissive.


I’ve known a few. They didn’t last long here.

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Holy shit. I live in the fucking Hell and I didn’t notice it until now that this thread has opened my eyes. Thanks!


I’ve met a few. None of them, however, lived in Taiwan, and all had rather skeevy ideas about my wife’s culture.

And actually, yeah, what @SuiGeneris said. I’ve also met a handful of new arrivals with this idea.

If this were representative of what the average person experiences here, then Taiwan would have a reputation for being a hotbed of sexual assault (such as Papua New Guinea does). And yet, Taiwan does not have this reputation.

Regarding the note about women here having no idea what inappropriate touching is, I will share something that I witnessed yesterday in a high-rise: I entered an elevator that had two women inside, who were in the midst of a good laugh. As the laughter subsided, one of them spanked the other’s butt with great force, and they both started laughng anew. My point is not that unwanted touching should be tolerated; but rather that different cultures have different senses of propriety.


Woman here don’t know what inappropriate touching is, probably because they are stupid and not enlightened like American new generations are. Also, we never saw on the news a perv molesting women and the woman complaining, because they are too shy to say anything.

I resemble that remark. No wonder every Taiwanese woman asks me if I have a brother.

But I did know my wife couldn’t cook or clean going into the relationship, so no problems there. :grin:

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