Scooter accidents (2021 edition)

How large was your sample size? :wink:

One inch

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i suppose that could happen, i try to keep revs low and go slow when i’m not on the highway, and i don’t tend to ride around late, and also i am reasonably well endowed, so i might be an outlier. the point holds, though, that louder exhaust is safer because of selfish car drivers needing to pay more attention.

what he meant was, how many small penises have you personally inspected. because the surety of your claim suggests a large sample size

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There’s another one where gravel truck kills someone, and gravel truck driver isn’t drunk, no idea what kind of people they hire to drive commercial vehicles. Government needs to go after companies for this.

There it is. And after watching the video, it looks like a speedy driver too.

This is a reminder to everyone to always look both sides many times before and while crossing a road.

Deadly motorcycle accident in Pingtung. Looks like a ducati.

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Well yeah, a red plate idiot, no wonder.

I read in the comments on the article (in Yahoo news) that people have to be careful around red plates because they often drive way too fast or blast the entire street with noise.

Road “design” has a lot to be blamed here. Turning left, therefore crossing a two lane stroad, should never be allowed.

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Thing is, if a motorcycle is doing over 200 on a normal road, nobody can avoid that. You can’t even go that fast on the autobahn in most cases. Has little to do with road design.

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That’s right. Totally agree. Nevertheless, road design should not allow anyone going at dangerous speeds.

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What does this mean?


Heavier bikes, I think over 150 has a yellow plate, and anything over 500 has a red plate. So red plate is for the heaviest bikes, while medium weight bikes have yellow plates.

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Thank you!

Given the reported details of that accident, there is no doubt that the motorcycle fool was going waaaaayyyy too fast. At least he only killed himself and not others.


Well he destroyed an expensive car for one thing… so there’s that. And who knows what the car driver would be liable for, because Taiwan’s traffic liability laws are weird.

Also I read here that Ducati’s are not really beginner bikes, and demands an expert driver. It’s likely the driver is not that…

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That car didn’t have anyone sitting in the back. Imagine if there had been. The more these trash bikers die the merrier tbh. Fuck 'em.

Based on that foolish high speed driving (clear day, broad daylight), I’d say that motorcycle driver was not “expert” at all.

Needless to say, after killing himself he won’t become one either.


The car driver pulled out in front of an oncoming vehicle that resulted in a death.
The speed of the other vehicle looks to have been a contributing factor (don’t know the speed it looks bad from the impact, but its a heavy bike and hit a part of the car that has little structure). It’s still the car drivers responsibility to make sure it’s safe before pulling out.


In the news the driver said there was an illegally parked truck that blocked his view. This is a very common here.

But the fact is if the bike is going way too fast there’s no way you can estimate how fast he’s going or how fast he’s going to run into you because the distance is all skewed in this case.

The biker should have slowed down when he saw a parked truck blocking the view of a possible intersection but the problem is at such a high speed you tend to tunnel vision. Conclusion is you should never go this fast on that stretch of road.

Well, as someone else noted… this is a forum about Taiwan. On reddit, you can find the global equivalent