Since when did a 6'2" height become average?

That ain’t true. I know this fact because I’ve walked outside on a daily basis.

Traditionally, perhaps. But these days you want a tan. You want to emulate the looks of Rihanna, Lupita Nyong’o, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, etc etc.

At least for people in their 20s or younger.

Yes for mostly women. Like I said, most women can’t comprehend what hooking up and dating is like for men. When most dating site data’s show 80% of men are put into below average, there’s a lot of men who just are not able to have these casual fun relationships the way women can.

You can take a butt ugly girl and put on her profile she just wants sex. She will get her mailbox flooded. You take a pretty handsome guy, maybe a 8 on most standards and it won’t work at all.

… a wife, you know.


I guess that’s what happens when you and the people who surround you have these woefully archaic views about and toxic attitudes toward women. :woman_shrugging:

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Don’t like to victim blame, so not exactly doing that here… But have the guys who have difficulty in this department tried to groom themselves and take care of themselves a little better? Ladies take for-f**king-ever to get ready, meaning they put in the hours. They constantly watch what they eat. They work out. They groom themselves. They spend forever picking out clothes at Goodwill. I know because my sister and many homegirls I know do all that stuff.

On the other hand, it’s true. Once they’re out a bar or wherever, most ladies do largely have an easier time to score a guy. 90% of them probably have a hard time picturing what it’s like to have someone say no to them.

I’m hitting it right on the nail. Most women can’t stand other women. I think you know it but want to keep up the oh we are so supportive of other girls idea when that’s not the reality of what me and every single girl has witness from grade school and above.

I love Fridays. Fridays are when Hanna gets feisty. :star_struck:


Damn, now I feel shy…



Some guys can improve in this department for sure. I think it a basic requirement but after that, if you aren’t what women would put in the top category these days, good luck.

Nah man. Slow down. Can’t say for previous generations. But nowadays there definitely is a concerted effort among ladies to support each other.

Shhh, @Solaire will hear you!

Hey I’m all for guys not putting in the effort towards their communication skills, diet, and gym. Makes it easier to be in that top percentage :grin:

I’ve seen enough of these efforts crash and burn. I’ve heard and seen enough of all these women’s only support groups and stuff just become a nightmare.

Cliques, gossip, rumors, back talk, passive aggressive stuff.

Is this some kind of self-selecting dynamic at work? There are plenty of women out there with terrible hygiene and grooming.

I’ve observed the opposite. But then again, some ladies are regular folk, some ladies are shitheads. Sorry you had to meet the shitheads.

In college it was the girl’s dormitories who were dirty.

And if you’re ever worked a job where you clean bathrooms, the women’s bathroom is even dirtier.

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Yes, I hear this from women all the time.

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Bahaha, true. Tons of ladies are slobs.

No no, they may be nasty hygiene-wise, but they’ll look great. It’s all about the illusion

You’ve never been in a ladies room with your mom when you were a kid?

Where I come from (the Bay Area), many don’t look great at all. This is probably due to the massively skewed gender ratio caused by the tech industry. Women there just don’t have to try that hard.

That was a long frikkin time ago. My memory is good, but not that good.

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