Since when did a 6'2" height become average?

Ah, lol. They probably figured, if boys are already thirsty and good to be plucked, why put in the effort? Hate to generalize but if given the chance, lots of ladies are also lazy AF (looking good takes labor).

Yeah but a scene like that one never forgets. It’s like the opening from Saving Private Ryan, you experience it once and you’re scarred for life, man *shudders *.

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Thinking back, I’m pretty sure my mom just sent me to the men’s room on my own as a little boy. Those were simpler (and more naive) times.

Also skin tone…

Impressive energy from Andrew0409 in this thread.

guys in taiwan do have weight requirements though lol. no more than 50kg. even if the guy is a fat bloater himself. i’ve seen it.

if you are fat and ‘black’ you might aswell give up all hope.


I guess you could control your weight, but 50kg is probably underweight for many girls above 160 so not healthy. But what’s a guy to do if they’re 5’6? Get that surgery where they break you’re legs and stretch you out?

No need for the surgery, just skip most of your meals! And when they do it they chow down on a fat bowl of noodles with little else in it so they just end up skinny fat.

My wife was 48 kilos when we were first dating. She’s a bit under 170cm. Too skinny. She looked much better after gaining about 5 kilos. More womanly.

Groups that are only female based are the most uncomfortable places to be in, I was part of many social media groups that girls used to seek advice, opinions and so on and all of them would be full of comments like “you go girl”, “more power to you!”, “it’s not your fault, is all the other people around you that are assholes”, “you deserve it!” … of course none of the comments are sincere and most important none of them are actually there to help soleve the issue. I also find it hard to be friends with girls because of how fast they can decide to just backstab you, spread lies or talk behind your back. And i’m Really not trying to say I don’t do this because at times I do, and any girl that claims not to, that she is a nice person and so on is most likely the one that does it the most.


Are there such big difference between girls dominant and boys dominant groups? I went to a girls only high school and boys dominant college, and what and how they were talking and doing were not much different.

I also know some female dominant forums, and they are talking things similar to this forum in a similar way.

those schools in Taiwan or the west?
probably not much different if for Taiwan.
high school and college guys in Taiwan seem mostly mama’s boys

Not in Taiwan nor the west.

When I worked in the US, many people around me often talked with an assumption that I don’t understand English much. What they talked were not so different by genders.

A world of difference. It’s been my experience since grade school and beyond. The way relationships worked for my sister was completely different than mine. One min she was best friends and the next day they don’t talk to each other. Pretty much the same for any girl I’ve known and been friends with.

Lived with all boy roommates and once all girls for a few months and it was completely different. The infighting was weekly, guys never had that issue.

Been in fraternity’s and was very close to many sorority groups and it was completely different.

Even last night at dinner. The guys were playing a card game next to us. Another group of guys chatting about sports etc. The girl groups was of course gossiping about their friends. Doing the typical “she’s this type of person” “she used to be different” “she always does this” “why does she hang out with this other girl” I’ve heard these psycho analyses of how girls think of their friends a million times. They always do this. And of course the girl next to us thinking we can’t speak Italian was criticizing my gfs accessories in Italian. It’s really so typical, I don’t understand how people are saying this is not true and boy and girl groups behave the same way. What world have you been living at?

I worked at the restaurant as a waiter before and people pretty much ignore us.

Guys talk about things. Girls talk about people and relationships.

Topics common I hear from the guys

Sports, games, job, hobbies, sex, jokes.

Common things I hear from the girls.

Their relationship or someone else’s relationship, rumors and gossip about people they know or celebrities, their boyfriend or husband, and actually remembering some story from before they want an update on.

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I see what you did there. :wink:

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Sad that was the impression you got.

Sad you experienced this with those people.


Sad you were subjected to this.

Basically, condolences all-around. Bummer to hear that this has been your personal experience — it must suck. If it makes you feel better, there are at least over 3 billion more humans with vaj-es around the globe whom you’ve never met.

Personally I don’t use fbook, but I know of many ladies around me and girl friends who are in fbook groups that (in addition to the moral support you’ve mentioned) have members including my buddies themselves who actually provide meaningful support, i.e., legal references, humanitarian resources, knowledge bank, job opportunities, etc etc. They’re def less a moral support group than a practical life-strategy group with a strong moral support bent.

Idk if they have anything similar in Italy, but you can certainly check.

Because the nature of my job, once people learn about what I do — What follows are generally waves of questions to get insider “scoops” and desires to discuss rumor with me or ask me to confirm certain gossip.

I’ve actually found about 51% of those to be guys and 49% of those to be girls. Whether or not it’s because the high profile films I’ve worked on have slightly more male-skewing audiences (or at least a bit more heavily marketed towards males), or if the ladies are too shy to ask, I can’t say. But that is the conclusion.

I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist :smile:
