Since when did a 6'2" height become average?

People just need to jump up and down a lot. It’s scientifically proven.

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Lol. I got so many parents when I coached basketball that pushed their kids to play because they thought it would make them grow.

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Yes, that’s correct and I was alluding to that. Really hope the kids don’t have to pay the price for their parents’ ignorance.

Basketball players are tall. Therefore, playing basketball must make you tall. Difficult to argue with that logic.


How many things could we say that about?

They need to meet the long list of players that didn’t cut it because of height. Sometimes 1in is the difference between moving on to the next level and not. It’s a game of inches as they say.

I had so many parents who needed to shut up and let me coach that thought they knew better. They try to coach from the sidelines and stuff. Often about how to improve their child and teaching them things way pass the basics to win games when they’re like kids. They really wanted their kids to play at least in high school and beyond. Most of the time I wanted to scream they won’t because they won’t grow and that’s their fault with their genes lol.

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You guys should visit Harbin.

haha i have met at least one. she was a borderline midget herself. i’m sure theres a bunch of em in taipei. lots of girls have a high standard for themself here. they want tall, rich, with car ect. i just usually don’t mingle with them as foreigners are obviously not what they are looking for

Well not exactly nothing to offer they do have that one powerful asset :sunglasses:

I’m talking about this.

Well if you go on wikipedia it also says that Korea’s average height is 170.7 for men so you know, there are multiple difference sources.

Why? Koreans are not that much taller. They are still Asians.

I’ve been taking some shots at the ladies, to be fair the men these days are pretty pathetic in my eyes. Weak and frail mentally and physically. Bending backwards for women that don’t deserve their time of day instead of having some self respect.

I just noticed this, anyone a history buff? That helmet looks like a German issued WW2 helmet…


Fragile masculinity tbh.

It’s perfectly natural for women to be generally drawn to taller men. They’re subconsciously attracted to the dominant male, and height is one of the factors that defines an alpha male. Also, there’s the superior genetics with regards to procreation.

Same as men are generally drawn to fecund females. There’s nothing to be defensive about. It’s just evolution and biology. I’m, unfortunately, no longer a big draw. If I had more resources I might be.

I don’t disagree. Just that it seems the list of requirements seem more and more ridiculous these days. Especially when they aren’t exactly high value people themselves. These are the same people who think they’re big romantics complaining about the lack of good men and woke up in the middle of morning watching the royal wedding wishing it was them.

Arguably the sense of entitlement is higher than the past. It’s not so long ago that people had to get married just to get laid.

what are you blithering on about? north asians are taller. again by the power of google: korea = 175. from what i’ve seen north chinese are around the same. google confirms. according to you taiwanese are the same height. not that taiwanese are a bunch of midgets but that ain’t true.

you can’t put all the blame on the women. the dumbass men who go along with this sort of thing are just as bad.


Without a doubt. A lot of men these day feed into these women entitlement.

I was talking to some friends from HK/SG. They used to love flying to Taipei to party when they could. Back in late 2000s and early 2010s they said Taipei girls at clubs were bar far the friendliest and least entitled in East Asia. It’s completely different now. They all think they’re Instagram models coming over the table to take pictures of them with champagne like they own it. Also just overall rude and think too highly of themselves when they basically are close to prostitutes some of them.

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You need to hedge your language a bit, Andrew0409.

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Idk what YOU are blithering on about. Even the Korean official statistics don’t claim their male population is as tall as 175. Look. That googling result webpage looks lame af.

If you’re too lazy to even click the link I can screenshot it.

Are you on crack?