Since when did a 6'2" height become average?

This hypothesis seems to be slowly shaping up :man_scientist::woman_scientist:

yea and being a midget didn’t stop him from becoming a rock star / rich / charismatic ect. that was my point…

Yes, but he’s also a rare genius and an immensely gifted talent.

Definitely not your Average Joe.

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There’s ton of taller dudes who can’t get girls, and the same goes for shorter guys.

We can sit here and theorize all day whether or not height helps or hurts you (it IS a disadvantage no surprise there). Although some tall guys like to state it often cause it’s all they have.

We can all complain that society deems it acceptable to judge and make fun of height, yet squeals at the thought of judging people on their weight. Or we can stop whining about it and take alternative actions to overcome it.

It comes down to not letting your disadvantages control the outcome of your life. We don’t need to be genius rockstars to get laid or be successful.
I’m a short dude that’s been with many taller girls (because they basically all are LOL), and many of them have been completely infatuated.

I’m not a rich or particularly successful guy but they don’t smell insecurities on me and enjoy the journey I take them on. Be generous, respectful and enjoyable to be around, but without being a pushover, and people will gladly welcome you into their circles.

true, he was absolutely a musical genius. worked all the hours of the day on his music too… genius is only half of it. and a big part of his success was his image and confidence…which was seemingly unaffected by his height.

are you also living in taiwan? judging people by their weight is a national hobby!

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Domestic or international?

I was 1.80 m but lost a bit of height after a wall jumped out at me on a race circuit. Lesson …take your foot off the brake before you hit something hard and crush your spine :thinking:


At least you got a good story out of it to tell to air stewardesses :slight_smile:

“yeah, I wasn’t this short until they pulled me out of the wreck of my Caterham”.

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I’m surprised I’ve never heard of any “biggest loser” type competition a the workplace here in Taiwan. My dad and his coworkers put in $50, most % lost takes home the entire pot.

I almost could call the walk up my stairs international considering how high up it goes

Dang. Agree on pretty much all fronts.

Why is it basically socially acceptable to have height requirements but lets say a guy puts down weight requirements and that he doesn’t like overweight women, that would probably get some heat. We need weight verification, women are so sneaky about hiding their weight. Never go on a date with someone online who does not have a picture of themselves with their entire body. I’ve heard some pretty insane stories from guys who went on dates with someone that clearly did not look overweight in the profile and is really overweight in real life.

Added benefit: buns of steel.

took them long enough to get me out :neutral_face: First thing they did was remove my helmet… nooooo. I only lost 25mm …but where did it go ?
@Dr_Milker has a memory like an elephant btw :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think it is socially acceptable. Most people these days know to avoid anyone who demands a certain height, because it’s a pretty safe bet that they’re kind of a shithead. Tons of jokes and memes about that.

Being shallow is acceptable to a degree; we all are. Being unreasonable or shitting on people just for looking the way they look is certifiably not ok to the general public.


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Are you kidding me? It’s totally socially acceptable. Girls talk about it pretty openly.

Oh man I audibly chuckled. Agree with this.