Situationship with no physical intimacy

Maybe. I can’t say I’m the epitome of mental health. I just know I don’t really feel like being intimate when I’m very stressed or depressed about something. Mindless fucking while I’m wasted, maybe. But those days are gone.


Yeah, once in a while, but this sounds like a consistent thing that’s been going on for months.

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When I was 19 I got my first experience at a
Hotel In hualian
I was basically seduced by a woman who was 29’she said

And she said she was a mother of two kids on a break

I thought “ dang that makes me a
Mother f@cker “


As Robin Williams once said about being attracted to pregnant women, “At least you know they put out.”


For the young lady sounds like you are falling in love with him and he is falling out of love with you

Ditch him go out and find someone else for sex
Love can come later

Also I am now of the opinion that if you want someone to leave the best way is to tell him or her you love him or her

Makes them look for other opportunities

Many men may not love the girl they had sex with
Some love girls they didn’t have sex with
None love girls they don’t want to have sex with

Situationships can mess up the mind

Don’t have to worry about knocking them up either.

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Did no one else notice this “psychotic episode” bit?

None of us can diagnose his problem over the internet. A psychotic episode could be part of a significant mental health condition or diagnosis. Has he sought treatment? Is he on medication for bipolar or other condition? Medications have all sorts of side effects, and mental health may be playing a role here.

It is also possible that depression or other life events make a man temporarily uninterested in sex, with or without a mental health issue.

And I should add: people with mental health struggles may also have good sex. But it can also work the other way, where a mental health struggle or medications can make someone lose interest for a while.

If you care for him it may be worth finding a non-threatening way to discuss mental health and sex life (admittedly two touchy topics). Just try to approach the topic without “blaming” him, which hopefully leads to a more productive discussion.

If the two of you can have honest conversations it may lead to a better sex life and long term relationship. Or, it may lead to a decision to part ways or live a different life. Either way it sounds like you’re not getting what you want from this situation, so it’s worth an honest talk.


Or you can get married and eventually sex will
Go away on its own

Or better put him in the friend zone and find another situationship

Or maybe he liked sex with you no strings
And the strings are coming now and he’s starting to question whether he wants to continue

Some men see some ladies only good for casual sex
And don’t want a relationship outside of a platonic one with benefits

Don’t be that woman unless you are on the same page as well

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you’re too young for that shit.

I like that you capitalized the In and lower cased the hualian. I hope the sex was equally confusing. :joy:


You can get a boner when wasted ? That is impresive :grinning: . I usually could barely remember what happened in my 20s when drinking. Just know that some women I dated then I could only dream about dating now ha ha

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Ta Hen Hua

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cue this eagles song:

Well then good be with healthy people. I see some men are very fit, even when asleep.


I think this sentiment needs to be preserved for posterity, perhaps in the quotes thread…


Kind of has peeping Tom vibes though…


Dunno about you, but I have some fond memories (before my dotage) of being woken up for a 4am shag.

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The spirit is willing but the flesh is snoring. :sleeping:


haha, I know this experience. Back to main topic, I do think its odd the man turns down her as this chat shows and maybe needs at least to talk about it if it can helped with medical or other help, I would say or ask something.

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