Small breast chic

Champagne glass titties? Bring 'em on, baby, bring 'em on!
I got yer model right here.

Nice pic of the African Moon Goddess; but she looks rather different in Earth’s gravity.

Bob started the thread with:

Fashion models have always, well, for as long as I can remember, been bloody thin - little more than skin and bone. And they look worse in real life!
I think that because many fashion designers are gay they choose non-womanly models, instead going for a “boyish” flat-chested, flat-arsed, and flat-stomach look. Or am I just beer-swilling homophobe?

[quote=“almas john”]Sandman,
Nice pic of the African Moon Goddess; but she looks rather different in Earth’s gravity. [/quote]

The bras once used by madonna could remedy this when dressed. Fake nipples could be stuck on, so you still got the authentic feel. A bit of fabric over the whole thing, and noone would know…

No, models have lousy small tits, give me some MEAT on the bones. Model girls… Be careful then you are sleeping with them, you might cut yourself on the rough edges of their thin bodies…

Me going braless down the street would sound a the opening theme song for What’s Happening (click here to hear song).

Cool, if you also carry a ghettoblaster with the song playing, you should turn all heads available.

Other vessels are not suited for champaigne.


Utter pedantry to bring this up, but you must surely know the difference between a champagne flute and a champagne glass ?

Yes, and the flute is the only suitable one, as bubbles and taste tend to dissapear in the flattish glass. Therefore the perfect champagne glass would be modelled on the breasts of a woman with flute-shaped breasts.

He was thinking of a skin flute :wink:

A friend ( a lean guy himself) who’d went out with an extrememly thin girl interestingly described their nuptial activities as ‘two skeletons fighting in a closet’.

two fried eggs: a fellow hua qiao from austria had her chest described by her uncle ‘as flat as a airplane runway’, which is abnormal apparently since foreign-raised girls are supposed to be more well-endowed in the mammary department. It’s the dairy, or something.

Interesting anatomy, those French prefer…


:astonished: :help: :astonished:

I thought someone might think that up.


The cone heads “Coneheads,” when asked where they were from, said France. Cone heads, cone tits. Totally feasible.

All this talk about champagne glasses makes me realize why bras come in “cup” sizes.

If you must be a pedant, at least get the spelling right: udder pedantry. :loco:

I must admit that my personal preference for breast size is found in fruits… Let’s start with the water melon.

Not the King of Fruits, the durian, Mr. He? Nothing like spikes to liven up the senses :wink:

And don’t forget the wintermelon!

Don’t really like papayas…

num num num

[b][Don’t forget your


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Well, that reminds me what I like about Taiwanese women.

Lots of good thoughts at the site regarding breastfeeding, and what’s good about saggy breasts…

[b][Don’t forget your


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The second link may not be safe for viewing at work (or lunch). - Moderator][/b] … 0-030.html[/quote]

Why wouldn’t those pictures be safe to see while eating lunch, moderator? Just curious about what would be unappetizing about viewing a healthy, normal woman’s breasts.