So...Greta Thunberg is being manipulated?

Well it is a political issue too, she wants to get governments to move faster on climate change policy .

That some people don’t like it…So she should shut up ?

You aren’t making any sense.

And what is ‘the gap’ to bridge

Formosa posters 2005-2019
‘climate change doesn’t exist’,
‘glibal warming is a temporary blip’
'yeah it exists but it’s a problem far in the future more ’
‘oh shit it’s now but we can’t do anything about it’?

Which gap are we trying to bridge exactly ?

Absolutely, anything less would be tyranny…

Sorry, bru, couldn’t resist :muscle::raccoon:

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Why? Explain. Cos somebody on Fox news said it ?

Are you saying climate change isn’t a big problem and governments are dealing with it effectively now ?

Are you saying future generations won’t have to deal with many serious issues relating to climate change ?

And why are you concerned about her if you agree with many of her points?

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You got it, bub:

Yeah I am, the question is should the adults be acting like Frankensien and be creating freaked out depressed and scared children or be assuring them they are loved, protected and everything is being done to secure their future. Then marveling at their creation and parading them in front of hostile critics?

You see a brave child speaking truth to power and bringing attention to an important issue, I see some truth to that. What you fail to acknowledge is the child abuse.

Everything is not being done to secure their future…That’s her whole freaking point !

It’s called creating a sense of urgency because the situation is actually really urgent !


And the tooth fairy isn’t real nor is Santa, but we tell children stories to assure them they a loved and the world is an amazing wonderful place all the time.

Would you rather an adult assured a child in a dangerous situation that all was well, or prefer they tried to freak the living shit out of them? Because you seem to be advocating for the latter.

When I was a kid I read a lot. I realised we had a real chance of a global nuclear war. I read about the Cuban missile crisis . It did worry me. Even in the 80s we started learning about the greenhouse effect. I read the news. Kids aren’t stupid. They worry about stuff cos its right to worry about it.

I don’t know Greta Thunberg. I don’t care about her. I care about a message that is getting a lot of play. I care that a message that is filled with misinformation and targets things that have done a great deal of good for humanity.

Notice that her message takes specific aim at “economic growth.” That is frightening to me and should be frightening to everyone, ESPECIALLY those living in poverty in developing countries.

When leftists speak condescendingly of economic growth, they are condemning an instrument of progress that has saved millions (billions?) of people from poverty and death. You can make wild alarming predictions about what the world will be like in 100 or 200 years, but the FACT is that economic progress and industrialization is the reason why people live longer than ever before, the poverty rates around the world are a fraction of what they used to be, people dying from climate-related incidents have dropped to almost nothing, crime is down throughout the world, etc.

Socialist parents utilizing a child, not just to spread a positive message about improving the environment, but to demonize the thing that has provided more good to mankind than anything else is irresponsible and abhorrent. If we end up needing to be saved from the effects of climate change, economic growth and the advance of technology is the thing that will save us.


I wrote in a post earlier in this thread. She was a nobody with issues who found some stuff online, got stuck with it, thought the world was ending and decided that the best way to tackle the issue was not going to school on Friday. Most of he strikes she was alone or with a classmate. Then the media agency that handles the public relations of her millionaire parents (singer/actress and actor) used Greta as a publicity stunt right before the parents were to release an autobiography about her life. She then got public fame outside of Sweden because politicians in the West thought she could be an easy way to score some sympathy points, since her condition (which I doubt has anything to do with autism or asperger, I wrote a long post about it with specific medical details) makes people immediately rise to her defense.

As for her and the climate doomers in general: in my daily life both me and my wife try to do everything we can to reduce pollution and keep the environment clean because it literally makes the world a better place. What I don’t need is people screaming at the sky a-la-2016 elections and lecturing me on the fact that:“If you don’t vote for politicians who think like us we’re all going to die”. Especially when the screeching people are teenagers who should stay in school.


I will look into it.
When I see her speak I don’t get any of that. I’m surprised at the concern for this kid who lives a comfortable life in Sweden . If you want to be concerned for kids there’s billions more worse off than her.

In the end it’s the message that’s the real important thing.

What are we doing about it?
We need to do something now.

Hey all we’re asking for is pics of you on your new Gogoro :grin:

I think climate change is real and serious. I just don’t think “pedophrasty” is helpful

From the article:
It’s not common, across Earth’s history, for ice to sit on the surface as a permanent presence. It’s happened only three times in the past 550 million years, the same time period that complex, multicellular life has ruled the surface. It denotes that we are living in an Ice Age, scientifically, even if glaciers are not choking off Manhattan. The entire span of the human species has happened in an Ice Age. It’s an open question of whether climate change will end the one we are currently in.

So, in essence, the Earth is actually moving towards its much more common state of not having permanent surface ice. While it seems like human activity is hastening this transition, it seems like we would be better served to try to adapt to a warmer world than to try to stop the Earth from inevitably returning to its more common state.


Are you dealing with it effectively? Gogoro is cheap, also fairly cheap electric cars out there. What’s holding you back? :grin:

The essence is in fact we don’t know what the feedback effects of what can be described as an impulse response of CO2 increases. We can predict some, but the harsh reality is the feedback system is so complex we can’t accurately predict what will happen.

Given the unpredictability of the situation and the precautionary principle I would advocate for a reduction of CO2, but that’s another question and the politicians don’t seem to responsibly address the issue. Rather, for the most part it’s politics before pragmatism. Even cronyism before practicality.

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I agree that we should be advocating for a reduction of CO2. The interglacial-ice age cycle is on the scale of tens of thousands of years while the major ice age cycle is on the scale of tens of millions of years. Not really worth worrying about. Human history is a speck on either of those scales.

But the effects of 2-3 degrees or warming discussed in that article are unavoidable even with the most severe actions. We are just going to have to deal with those effects. The very models that the IPCC use (like Nordhaus’ DICE model) conclude that the optimal target to minimize economic and human loss is like 3.1 degrees. A target any lower than that causes the solutions to be more harmful to humanity than the effects of climate change.

(source: Revisiting the social cost of carbon - PMC and

That’s why it was so baffling when the UN released their 1.5 degree target earlier this year. It’s not a feasible goal and runs counter to the mathematical models that they are using.

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The new model is quite nice. Very high tech. Looking forward to those pics :smile:

Wait…are you calling @Brianjones a gasp climate hypocrite? :astonished:

Here’s the thing…we’re ALL hypocrites