So...Greta Thunberg is being manipulated?

It’s not amusing. I hear you.

I possibly need to start looking at more of these social media sites to figure out what the fuss is about.

I malala exactly what you mean

Greta Thunberg is dangerous because she’s on to our boomer ploy of fouling the nest with generational debt and pollution because we know we’ll be long gone before the bill comes due. Let’s hope no one else in her generation catches on or we’ll have to start paying our own way.

That’s what the millennials are for.

Probably manipulated by her parents, definitely being manipulated by some shady people with a lot of money.

She could also be a mouthy, opinionated, self-righteous teenager. She wouldn’t be the first.

I’m surprised more members of Gen Z aren’t mad as hell at us for fouling our collective nest.

What would that do?


Spot on. Hume said something to the effect that reason is a slave to the passions. I have never seen so much invective directed at a young person. Annoyance is a more common reaction to youths.

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True but most don’t visit the United Nations in a sailboat.

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Most of them never look up so how would they know?

It’s possible to combine the two.

She could have droned in with antenna on her head.

One of the greatest tweets in history???

Next year: I know you are, but what am I?

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As much as I’m not a fan of Greta, I do think it’s hilarious what happened to Andrew Tate.

It would have been in Grauniad Towers. Suggesting a guy has a small penis is the height of wit.

Trouble is, Andrew Tate is black. At least, his father was African-American.

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Whether she is being manipulated is up to debate, but that she gets uglier the older she gets isn’t.

How dare she!

They’re making the whole thing more lame by the day. It was a good one but the way people are hyping it up makes it so cringe.