Style vs substance - yes, it's political

Kind word for Andrew here. I feel you have a habit of letting your emotion get the best of you in debate, then when it does you tend to start to fall in these traps of generalization and victim playing. It doesn’t get sympathy on your side doing this, I don’t think, at least not from anyone I would want on my side. I know I can’t speak for what you want.

Some people just want to debate ideas, not personality or popularity or other petty issues.

Comes down to style vs. substance, how conveniently on topic! Substance addresses a poster’s content, not all of these other distractions. When I’m on a forum I try to react to content if I feel arguments are being made in good faith, not the name attached to it.

There are other forums I participate in, and generally speaking I have zero idea of the name behind the post unless that person is repeating the same thing mindlessly over and over or something, and making an agenda obvious. Those kinds of people tend to end up called out over it (not by me because it’s less serious than politics) and then not taken so seriously going forward, I think.

So, I hope you can see past the name on this post! :beers:


It’s probably best not to make sexist, racist, or ad hominem arguments in a thread where you are arguing that certain people are not making sexist, racist or ad hominem arguments.

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That really doesn’t make sense IMo. Are you suggesting not use sexist, racist or ad hominem labels ?

I was not arguing that the use of Uncle Tom was racist. I am saying that the use of isnt as black/white as some posts have suggested.

Please don’t put words in my mouth. That’s not what I said. I would never take what one Democrat says as representative of all Democrats. What I said was that I’ve only heard Democrats using that term. Maybe there are examples of Republicans using it, but I’ve never heard any.

I didn’t put words in your mouth. Did you miss how that was a question?

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It reads like you’re assuming I was implying that. I wasn’t. Just to be clear.

Don’t like the use of Uncle Tom, but definitely like Aunt Jemima on some flapjacks

It’s good. Edit-- but the question is still not answered if I remember right. :wink:

Belongs here. :joy::joy:

I would say that it certainly isn’t representative of all Democrats’ behavior, but it’s something that is heard pretty frequently from certain Democrats. I’ve never heard it from a Republican, but I’d welcome counterexamples.

Yeah, I certainly felt superior in high school in Texas as the kid who knew how to do trig… nope.

I’d prefer he not tell Asian stereotype jokes at his own expense, but Yang poking fun at his own perceived image is way more funny then Trump calling immigrants rapists.

Did Trump say that all immigrants are rapists, or did he say some were? The former would be terrible, the latter would be factual.

I would like to see it as well because I can’t understand why you and a few other folks keep taking this simplistic (lack of better word) view of the use of the word. That it’s GOP vs Dem. In the case of West vs Dogg, it’s not just about politics per say rather implications of West’s shenanigans under the guise of being a Trump supporter that earned him the Uncle Tom label. (And probably some behind the scenes beef no one is privy to😂).

what West shenanigans?
Honestly don’t know.
Saw video interview of him last week admitting to porn addiction, which created all kinds of negative things he’s done in life (MTV award thing with Taylor Swift, etc.).
Now he says he found religion, hence his latest album.

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The past two, three years. But especially his letting with Trump in the Oval office and his whole AAs and slavery was good thing. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: Those shenanigans. A quick Google search will populate those. (no sarcasm)

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Well, since Kanye is known for his support of Trump, and Snoop for his support of Hillary (in addition to being extremely anti-Trump), I think it’s safe to say that politics had something to do with it. Were there other factors involved? That may well be the case.

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Where in the post you responded to did I dismiss politics not having anything to do with it? I pointed out that it’s not just that but other things as well. It’s called nuance, which IMO many people often fail to take into account when discussing issues/situations involving African-Americans.

This commitment to Us vs Them on this forum is is absurd. Again, as I said before it’s not a zero sum game.

It may be time for a mirror.

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A reminder for the forgetful.

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