Taiwan has signed two arms procurement contracts with the US

Some of them laying flat, comfortably

they gave up on the rail gun

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This I donā€™t believe I have ever seen before. Does anyone have a good historical source or contemporary argument to back this up?

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Yes, all above points make sense. Im basing my posts based on the narrative by some people that taiwan should not rock the boat. This is no different than enabling/protecting/justifying an abusive spouse or a bully at school.

I am aware china wont nuke taiwan. What i am saying is taiwan investing in systems to defend itself (even if they are classed as offensive sytems), and in recent history has no solid expansionism on record, it is mind numbing how people could think that taiwan declaring independence (stating a well know basic fact, we are independent) or buying/developing weapon systems is some how causing a global imbalanceā€¦ because obviously it pisses off the great oppressor (china).

This to me is so far past lunacy im dumbfounded how these people arent commited. Or deported.

Im not trying to say logistically or politically this and that may happen. Of course there are realistic issues about invading taiwan. I think many points here are quite on point in that regard. i doubt it will happen either. However, if history teaches us anything, dictators with ultimate power quite often literally go crazy. So its not off the table. Not by a long shot! And whats happening seems to be that exact evolution. The best case cor taiwan is they have a civil war or some other in house conflict that distracts them away enough. Also very likely with clinically insane oppressors.

Im only trying to say the people that think its OK for taiwan to maintain the ā€œstatus quoā€ and essentially cowtow to cuina and every country that is controlled by them are fucking retarded. With all Tsai issues and failures, i think she has played this better than any previous president. You have to push forward, without causing war, and NEVER bend over.

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Yeah thereā€™s been court cases in the US about it. The US Government response has been that Taiwan is a self developed democracy whose people have a high level of expected rights and freedoms with a system of government held responsible through democratic elections and the rule of law. But they still didnā€™t technically release Taiwan from the 1945 Peace Accord meaning the US Military can legally reclaim Taiwan at any time.

Another interesting thing is that George HW Bush was the US bureaucrat that attempted to have Taiwan recognized by the UN around the time of Rapprochement as its own Nation. The push failed due to the USSR vetoing it at the UN. If Taiwan had been declared a self administered Nation at that time then what is happening now would be seen as hostile actions rather than grayzone warfare tactics.

These grayzone tactics are quite similar as to what the CCP did to Tibet before sending in troops. And as we have seen with Hong Kong over the last 20 years much the same can be expected if Taiwan agrees to become part of China. The removal/transfer of local police. Suspension of residency permits forcing people/families to Mainland China. Denial of services such as banking and legal (all of which have been common practice in Hong Kong over the last 20 years) and access to government offices. Usually by requiring a person to be a resident under law to allow access. So basically a hollowing out from within.

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Dont rock the boat. It will be fine if we stick to the status quoā€¦

Says the crazy man with missiles aimed at you

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Enjoy, Iā€™m sure you can find summaries around including here, there was a fair amount of discussion about it. Richard Hartzell was promoting the idea.



According to what Iā€™ve been reading for the past few years, yes. Send those boys out and they wonā€™t be coming back.

Interesting. I didnā€™t know that.

One doesnā€™t simply HAVE nukes. One first has centrifuges.

Historically China does poorly at war. They know that. So does everyone else. I agree with the domestic upheaval comment above. I think it explains chinas desire to grab as much as they can now without armed conflict.

Iā€™m more interested in the Iran/Russia connection and possible proxy scuffle after the US just shut down a bunch of Iranian website. That by proxy again will hurt China. Strangle the neck the oil goose.

Why is that? I mean, Sun Tzuā€™s teachings have inspired many a general, so you would think China would be excellent at war. :thinking:

Ha. The Art of War is used by MBA students.

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Haha! That is true. Iā€™ve only ever heard him quoted in the business or political field. By actual generals, probably not so much? :slight_smile:

Given our recent forays into the warzones weā€™ve created, China is probably reading Mad Dog Mattisā€™ book.

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Was covid in Wuhan an indication of one of the problems a war would create in China with regards to the mass fleeing that took place? If war means people are put in harmā€™s way Iā€™d imagine their internal policing of their own citizens would be a hindrance to logistics.

How to put it politely?

If you canā€™t do, teachā€¦

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Two birds, one plague. Nothing the Chinese like more than some universal self-inflicted suffering to bring them all togetherā€¦in line.

Makes sense.

Why would Taiwan want to change its name from Mandarin Chinese to Portuguese, given that thatā€™s the official language?

Sorry, thatā€™s crazy. I mean, here on the east coast itā€™s kind of sleepy and isolated, but you have to think someone would have noticed a nuclear bomb going off

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