Taiwan Stimulus Vouchers and Relief Packages Discussion

No. Nor to buy the monthly pass.

In the following article there are some hotels that accept the vouchers until end of December

Also you can check which stores can accept the vouchers in the following list


Got my vouchers this morning. $3000 for me, $3000 for my daughter. NHI card is enough, they didn’t want to see my ARC.

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Seen a couple of boutiques near work that have signs saying stuff like buy 1000 get 100 discount using the coupons.

I think I just applied for the vouchers on Line Pay. It says I have to spend $3000 on Line Pay and then I’ll get $2000 in reimbursement. I think. I hope that’s what will happen. Probably a bad idea but I’ll report back if it works. I think I get some Line points out of it, otherwise, it’s the same deal with worse terms.

Does it specify a 31 December 2020 expiry?


This blog says that you can Apply for your Stimulus Vouchers to be Deducted from your Credit Card Bill (click on Credit Card link to voucher offer)

However some local banks are not accepting this method anymore


I’ve bought some stuff through Line Pay and it’s adding up. It looks like I did it right. So when I reach $3000 I’ll get back $2000 plus some Line points, and no trip to the post office.

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Yes, if you were talking to me. Yes if you weren’t. It’s all over on Dec 31st. Dec 30th is the last day to collect the actual vouchers.

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Just successfully applied using on my Costco Cathay card.

Looks like we’re still not to be treated equally though;

No cash option for the dirty foreigners!


It’s probably going to require you to have national household registration?

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not yet fixed, iiuc.

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I had qualified for the 10,000-30,000nt thing (I only got 10k) last year. So does that mean I’ll have another 10k coming without having to apply again?

This one is for kids under 12.

Tando added more info on the other relief funds as well.

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Thanks for the info.

TL means other packages.


Again?! :open_mouth:

Edit: it looks like this one is by the city government.

Because foreign residents are not city residents ?
How does that work Taipei mayor.

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Because of hokou

Many Taipei “residents” won’t be receiving this too. Because of their hokou address is in a different location, like outside of Taipei.