Taiwan Stimulus Vouchers and Relief Packages Discussion

People who will spend money will buy the voucher, people who wont’ will not. You are more likely to spend if you already put money towards it and it has a time limit. And you can only spend it on things that stimulate the economy. It’s not that hard to get.

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Although I think it’s highly unfair, my wife and I will use it. Spend NT$2000 and go to Carrefour for NT$6000 worth of groceries? A bit of a no-brainer.


It’s the least you can receive for, well, having a wife. : P

The rest of us, however…


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Gay marriage is legal in Taiwan.


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I was talking about this with my co-workers and I think it is definitely an insufficient amount. I think they should have went with spend 3000 to get 10,000. Or if that breaks the bank then do 6000 for 10,000. At least that would be enough money to get people to spend beyond their usual means.


A lot of people have lost jobs and income and are living on the breadline. My wife hasn’t worked for three month, as an example. There’s no way I could fork out 6k, unless it’s for rent or utilities. We just don’t have that type of disposable cash.
Even if we did, it most certainly wouldn’t be spent on night markets, hotels and amusement parks


I think a good way is to have people be able to buy up to 3 vouchers. If people want to spend more money into the local economy, why not?


I remember reading a good few years back about a Japanese stimulus package. Asian people like to save so the idea is that its so you have to give the amount that people won’t think twice about spending, also not to big that people will want to find ways to game the system.
All these little amounts soon add up when most of the country is spending them all at once.

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I thought you were only allowed one.

Exactly. The people that need the money the most can’t front the $1,000 NTD, then its defeats the purpose of “helping” folks. Why not just give people that can’t front the $1,000 NTD (after paying basic necessities like rent, food, util bills) $2,000 NTD in their bank account.

Or better yet, do it like the US. Give everyone $1,200 USD one time stimulus. Go big or go home…LOL!

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low income and people with disabilities get all 3000 for free


Yes, but if you allowed 2-3, the people who can only fork out enough for 1 are still benefiting. While people who want to spend more into the economy can also be encouraged to spend more.


2000NTD is okey, the question is will you also get HK$10,000?

You’d be surprised the type of people queuing for those discounts. Think people with 40-50M in cash sitting in the bank , not invested. And they are queueing for 10$ discount on coffee.


Ironically, yes.


The “Government” (i.e., us the taxpayers) will front them NT$1,000 in order for them to be able to buy their vouchers.

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You mean they will pay nothing and receive 3000NT worth of vouchers?

What’s the logic behind including JFRV holders but excluding all other foreigners?


Oh they will pay. We all do.

Yes, these “poor” folks i am sure were once in their life time tax payers. The government should give BACK the people’s “tax” dollar for good use. The government works for the people. The people are the boss. Give the people back the tax dollar for good use. Taiwan is democracy right? Why does it sound more and more like communist. The goverment need the people not the other way around.

Man, this math is so crazy :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:. All it is is $2,000 NTD. Just put it in the bank account and call it. Its so little amount of money to be this complicated. Its almost like saying “we the government” give you this…now u need to do it our way…when its the “people’s money.”