Taiwanese food sucks!

Another really nice hakka restaurant:


Mei gan kou rou
Dong po rou

This is the good stuff but don’t get it from some dodgy biandang place where they might use some really smelly meat.

Hakka restaurants or some places that do ‘jian can’ meals are where you want to eat them. Can be good at wedding feasts as well.

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Those places look really good

for me the chinese food back home is ‘chinese take away’ it sucks ass. i mean you can find the odd asian restaurant here and there nowadays but its a small selection compared to here, really expensive and usually pretty average.

and i definitely dig the cafes here and the whole cafe culture. its much cooler than back home but the bakerys, bread, cakes and pastries just doesn’t even resemble what i’m used to back home. its a different species and literally not even half as good.

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Dong po rou at Dien Shuei Lou in Sogo. They wrap the meat up like this for you.


No that’s just wrong.
Dong po rou is Dong po rou and Gua bao is Gua bao.
Never the twain shall meet . Unless you also believe in steak sandwiches.

Also how are you supposed to eat that Marasan? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Accompanying with Taiwan beer is always correct.


Yeah, I get your point. The key word in my assessment above is “some.” The bread, for instance, at the Cake Shop on the ground floor of the Mandarin Oriental on Dunhua North Road in Taipei City is off the charts, as is the terrific bread at Lutetia up in Tienmu. Neither is as expensive as what good bread now costs back in the home country. The transformation of baking in these and select other places in Taiwan (certainly not everywhere!) is remarkable, while I have not seen any such remarkable improvements in the cooking of Chinese or Taiwanese food, which seems to be to be getting even sloppier and even less impressive as time goes by.


Incisors need to be in good working order. Wash it all down with the jin pai.

I quite enjoy it. Something needs to balance all that fat, and the bread works for me.

Something needs to balance all that fat, and the bread works for me.

Hope you guys got jian bao cards to help out down the road. That stuff looks like a heart attack on a plate!!!


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Never heard of the fat diet? :grin:

I don’t eat that stuff very often and even the gua bao will be ‘shou rou’.

I also hate the boiled vegetables.
I tried to go to those chose your own veggie buffets you see all over… it’s just boiled veg with a bit of salt… gross

You skipped the gloopy processed sugary brown sauce and piles of garlic.


oh sorry… Kaohsiung

alright. I’ll believe it when I see it. Been to Union Square in prime season?? You’d know what I mean…

My opinion: 80% of the eateries (mostly the cheap lunchbox places) suck here or are at best just average, but the 20% that are good… are really fucking good.


I used to think the same, that what we grew up with determined our preferences, but since the majority of my adult life has been spent eating Taiwanese food, my preferences have changed dramatically. Mind you my wife is an amazing cook & baker and makes almost everything we eat from scratch. But I really do prefer rice to potatoes now!

I would say though that as I grew up eating western food, I find bad western food far easier to tolerate than bad Taiwanese food!

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Boiled eggs seem more flavorful in Taiwan. More gamey, more eggy. Also less egg whites, the yolk seems to take up more space than what I am used to. Maybe that is what affects the flavor.

This could be a plus or a minus.


Chinese eat it with ground beef, as I found out last Saturday. The Korean-style dish uses pork.

Good! The greater variety, the better.

Jajamyeong https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jajangmyeon is a Korean interpretation of Chinese food that the Chinese have now re-interpretated back. Kind of like the American style Chinese food restaurants that have popped up in China and Taiwan in recent years. How meta.

It’s ok they are only rooting for their baseball team
Nothing anti Korea

Plus they are super cute