Taiwanese food sucks!

20190101_201622 20181230_183021 How about it? Wash it down with a nice cup of Yorkshire tea?:sunglasses:

looks worse than prison food.


Not quite, as there is no broken glass in it lol

It looks worse mixing them together lol.


Why indeed. I am still working on my restaurant quality radar, yours sounds quite finely tuned! :slight_smile:

Sometimes, I rely mostly on people that know and I go back after. I know there is bad food and I hate eating bad food. So I always try to know where i’m going.

In Italy I always allow my girl to pick because she’s from there and cant tell as well. I always get tricked by tourist traps lol

Please explain this, because I am totally at a loss.

Can you quote which part to explain

Whatever it is that is covering those plates

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Like most ‘famous’ places in Taiwan. Tourist trap!

The funniest are 3 of the same shops next to each other all say they are the first one

I’ve been to Taiwan 4 times and while there are some very positive things there (some of the people are friendly and transportation is really good), the food there was downright TERRIBLE. There were a couple of exceptions… in Taipei I found a little restaurant serving shrimp wonton soup and various vegetable dishes that were great and in Kaohsiung near MRT Aohzdi, there’s a fantastic place for Xiao Long Bao.

Apart from those places, and Yoshinoya, I had a lot of bad luck trying to find decent food. In Kaohsiung, I found a restaurant in a mall near MRT Sanduo Shopping District that served xiao long bao and I grabbed a dish of what I thought was stir fried cabbage. I’m always looking for fresh veggies in Taiwan and China.

When I ate it, it tasted terrible. I tried one more bite and spit it out. Cabbage it wasn’t. I asked the lady next to me if it was cabbage… another lady said “no, that’s pig ear.” I was like… you guys like to eat this… really?

As for paying too much for crappy housing, that was the major reason why I finally decided not to go back there anymore. Overpriced hotels the size of a prison cell without windows or closets? Nah, there are definitely better places than this in Asia!

Oh, and if you want decent food Taiwan, go to Ikea or find a Costco! Hot dogs, pizza and clam chowder there are the best.

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Mistaking pig’s ear for cabbage is impressive. I’ve never seen that done before.

Welcome to our community, by the way

I don’t Know about this…

Like any country, you need to know where to eat. Italy is full of awful restaurants and tourist traps. Doesn’t mean Italian food is terrible.

Italian hotels are small and old as well. I’ve stayed at 500+ euro a night hotels and they’re worse than even simple 3-5k ntd hotels in Taiwan. What are you comparing it to? Thailand where its extremely cheap?


Very true. But I made several concerted efforts to find good food there and the best I could usually do was find an overcrowded place for beef noodles.

Forgot to mention in Tainan… can’t tell you the location but there’s a fantastic restaurant where I found a number of vegetable dishes. No meat there but didn’t need it. The dishes were exceptional! I have a picture if anyone’s interested.

Hey don’t knock the beef noodle soup lol. I really miss it being away from Taiwan.

For me, I’ve found many great places. You really need to have people tell you where to go to find it in Taiwan. Most places I hear from friends and families. But there is a lot of low level food in Taiwan for sure. Locals kind of accepted them because it’s cheap and convenient.

Or find a place that has a lot of customers regularly. It’s hard to go wrong there. There is a bit of a learning curve to having some idea of what you’re getting yourself into or not doing something like grabbing a plate of pig’s ears :slight_smile:

I think an issue is a lot of good food is at restaurants that you need to go with a few people to eat kind of place. It’s not like western food you order a plate of.

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Avoid places you see many students at lol. They usually go because of the costs and not for the taste.

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If that’s your thing probably everything else sucks.

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