The "Anti-China youtubers" vs the "shills"

6 posts were split to a new topic: Misquoted material going off topic

No, the Chinese government should not be trusted on this issue. Yes, the Chinese government has impeded investigations that could help reveal whether covid has a natural origin or not. Yes, a lab leak is possible as related research was clearly being carried out in the vicinity of the first outbreak and virus lab leaks have happened before. It’s a serious possibility that is yet to be ruled out.

These facts together, however, don’t by themselves make the lab leak theory more probable than the natural origins one.

As for the speed with which an origin for SARS was found, the timeline depends on different degrees of certainty. Where the article mentions taking 14 years to “nail it” on bats via civet cats this isn’t necessarily inconsistent with the origin being “highly suspected” or even “identified” much earlier

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Goñs be sworn in against the maximum there’s in a s Minm

It’s very pro-Taiwan in upvoted content, CCP shills show up sometimes but often get downvoted. I’m not seeing it.

depends on your definition of CCP shills. some members on this forum are skeptical and want more data on domestic vaccines, but one of the mods on reddit Taiwan went berserk on some members for being skeptics. Even accused them of being KMT spies. It’s more like a DPP schill subreddit, which is fine. I just don’t like the way they attack members. They also have pro-KMT subreddits which are just as absurd.

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Yeah, I wouldn’t describe what you’re talking about as CCP shills or related to this topic then.
Reddit votes determine relevance, and again, TW and its independence are heavily promoted there.

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I used to like those two YouTubers, but their egos are seeping into their videos more lately. Too easy to fall into a mindless fan with YouTubers.

Have to agree, serpentza comes off as a bit of a egomaniac, he has to remind everybody his wife is a doctor 20x every video.


I think Laowhy has done a great job lately, his discussions about China seem really on point and focused, his production is pretty good too.

Serpentza is less appealing, I think his problem is he tends to drone on and is essentially turning into ‘one of those guys’ . Not that I take issue with his positions much, it’s more the presentation.

I think both of them deserve a lot of credit for what they endured. Tried to live in China and even promote it, were very fair in their takes, still got persecuted there (raided by police for their videos), basically pressured into leaving. And they still have to deal with constant CCP harassment and baiting, and are steadfast.

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true, i think the world has forgotton about that maybe he should go on national tv.

Also there is the fort detrick theory that Nathan Rich (shill) was on about and technically that could be true aswell.

One side wants answers, the other side wants to muzzle questions (and does so with force). For most, it seems obvious which of the spectrum seems better.

Honestly i called the China lab leak in February 2020 on here with Chinese links. It wasnt rocket science. All of the academic records from the researchers in the lab are online.

I think I put a lot here. I have a folder with more Chinese stuff from that time. Also the researcher from the other lab in Wuhan talking about how he was researching bats in Yunnan and then got bit by one of the bats and quarantined for 14 days.


That’s the problem with these kind of things, it is impossible to find objective truths, as both sides are very convincing and have valid points. Unless you have lawyer brain it can be difficult to pick them apart.

It’s like Israel and Palestine issue. Both sides are very convincing and have very valid points, to the point that if you listen to both sides you could not figure out who’s right or wrong as they seem to be both right.

I think a good few thousand of people were concerned publicly about this that early. Taiwan even warned the international community about it being a potential problem. Falling on deaf ears. Paid off ears.

The problem is obvious
do we even need to say it anymore? If people are denying reality by now, i think we can start drawing lines in the sand
even if it wasnt intentional, the coverup was absolutely intentional and that is more than enough to start prosecuting a certain country and stop allowing them any voice in international organizations like the WHO, UN, WTO etc. The fact taiwan is still not allowed to even watch international health meetings shows how fucking insanse the corruption is and why we need to change asap.

Russia was booted from g8 making a g7. And still we bend over to the ccp at every damn chance we get. We = every country.

Meanwhile taiwan gets shat all over like the nerdy girl with no friends that just got braces. Regardless of actually being the one to tell people how to avoid the pandemic. Ironic. Karma sucks. But probably people are too thick to get it, even now. Like a smoker diagnosed with ling.cancer that keeps smoking. Addiction comes in many forms, and the evil it creates is real.


Goodness, that place is bad. We should have a thread about it and other English language Taiwan sites.

I don’t buy that they have ‘equally valid arguments’.

Besides the Chinese are blocking any access to those labs in Wuhan, the caves in Yunnan and to early samples from Wuhan.

What I am saying is, if you have a vested interest in either side, then your argument all makes sense and the other guy’s argument don’t. And every source of information is biased in some way. There are no true objective reporting from all sides.

For someone without vested interest it’s really hard to know the truth without a lawyer brain.

Science is pointing towards high possibility that it is a lab leak at this moment 
When they find a bunch of wild animals near Wuhan that carry the closest relative to this strain of coronavirus then I’ll consider it again.

Right now the closest strain identified came from bats in Yunnan 
The same place the WIV was collecting 100s of samples from.
And we know they were doing GOF experiments and they lied about not having live bats there.

Yunnan is what
A 1000km away ?
WTF it broke out in Wuhan with almost perfect Human ACE-2 receptor binding properties ?

All the Chinese have to do is open up places such as the caves in Yunann and the WIV lab and personnel for an investigation. They refuse.


So if cops think I have something to hide but they couldn’t prove it enough to get a warrant, should I just open my house up and let them look through it? If I don’t I look guilty right?

Crap analogy doesn’t work for me sorry.

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