The AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) thread

Sure, I’ll remind you who the “takers” are.

They’re Americans whose middle-class incomes were exported by Democrats and Republicans alike a generation ago, when Bill Clinton signed NAFTA and WTO trade agreements.

I’m not surprised that Democrats like you would turn your back on them, frankly. Support for America and all Americans has never been a hallmark of the Democrat party.


Yes, your support of a criminal tax dodging president and his assault on the rule of law is oh so American.

Sorry dude, the Dems and the blue states pay the taxes you mooch off while you whine about taxes.

Build that wall! (Around Alabama)

Didn’t say a thing about it, actually.

Why do Democrats ignore dropping the ball on the middle-class and choose to call them names and evidently even call for building a wall around them?

Wait, you mean youre not into the idea of rich people taking advantage of the less fortunate and exploiting the poor and working class?

You’re sounding like one of those commies now. AOC is getting your head. Admit it, you love her!

Note I called out Democrats, and that I am not a Democrat.

Why do Democrats choose to turn their backs on Americans living anywhere but the north-south, coastal fringes of northeastern and western America?

By turn their backs, you main advocate for programs that might help them that right wingers fight tooth and nail? Last time I checked, it was the dems trying to make college affordable suggesting ways to alleviate poverty.

Build that wall!

But at the same time you call them names, call for a wall around them, and denigrate them as moochers.

Why do Democrats choose to turn their backs on Americans living anywhere but the north-south, coastal fringes of northeastern and western America?

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Ok let me make sure I understand you:

When dems advocate for govt programs to help working class and poor people, they’re commies and you hate them.

When they do not advocate the poor and working class in cases like NAFTA, etc, then they’re elitist 1 percenters and are at fault for not helping poor people.

Uh, ok.

That’s a problem for Democrats to work out. The Democrats have chosen socialism as a remedy, but (as usual) I don’t think they’ve thought it through.

Why do Democrats choose do denigrate Americans who do not live within their coastal, urban enclaves?

I don’t think they denigrate them, they pay for their roads and infrastructure.

Kinda sounds like the way red staters denigrate Mexicans huh? Ouch, it hurts.

Anyone clamoring for this wall and jumping on the illegal bashing bandwagon has no right to whine about anyone denigrating anyone. And if you don’t like denigrating, maybe stop denigrating AOC and start respecting her accomplishments rather than suggesting is PC that put her in power.


You do denigrate them, clearly. And with some glee. And you’re not alone.

It’s a real problem for Democrats, one that they’ll run up against in about 18 months. We’ll see how that turns out.

Sure. What are the accomplishments of AOC?

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Sorry but this is the pot calling the kettle black.

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All these people do is denigrate others. But theyre oh so sensitive

The Democrats employ identity wedges, not Republicans.

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You guys sure seem threatened by her enough to denigrate her impressive ascendancy to political power for months on end.

Lets start there

Sure. What are the accomplishments of AOC?

Yeah, republicans stick to voter suppression, obstructionism, and incarcerating like the good old days

Ok, let’s make it easier.

List AOC’s single most impressive accomplishment to date. For the record I’ll note that NY-14 voted Joe Crowley in by 70-30 margins for 16 or 18 years before AOC won her primary - and that she won the general election by garnering just shy of 17,000 votes.

So what in your estimation is her most impressive accomplishment to date?

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Making white supremacists uncomfortable, exposing Trump as a fraud brilliantly

That’s it?!

Maybe you have a different definition of “impressive,” but I was under the impression that there are reasons (plural) for her “her impressive ascendancy to political power.”

Is this the extent of her “impressive ascendancy?” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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