The AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) thread

A lot of “green energy” proposals aren’t efficient at all and costs a LOT of money.

For some reason nobody wants to consider nuclear energy when talking about “green energy” but fact is it’s the only generation method that emits ZERO greenhouse gas, cheap, and generates a lot of energy. Wind can’t even come close (assuming continuous wind) and is expensive.

Fact is, environmentalists and big oil is united in their hate for nuclear energy and I think big oil had a lot to do with the hysteria concerning nuclear power.

Either you use coal or nuclear if you want large scale low cost energy, otherwise get ready to pay more than 10nt per kilowatt hour.

As for infrastructure upgrade in the US, political will for this simply doesn’t exist. They pour so much money into the military industrial complex and the prison industrial complex they really have no money to invest in anything that would actually benefit its citizens.

Saudi Arabia has virtually non stop sun and they just bought the technology to develop nuclear power. Considering how rich that country is thanks to petrol, the fact that with 0 budget issues and a location that gives them plenty of sun they still decided to go with nuclear power should be a strong hint for other countries.
Unfortunately there are too many zealots of the “mah nuclear waste, think of the children” cult.

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I think 3 Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima had something to do with it.

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Those incidents are so few that it is almost insignificant when you consider the damage done by countless oil spills, dam failures, wildlife disrupted by dams, etc. nuclear is actually very green. But everyone’s so scared of a little radiation…

maybe she feels they are too beneath her now…

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I think if we use the latest technology, nuclear waste can even be recycled into more energy. We really haven’t invested much into advancing nuclear energy with the hysteria. although some of the concerns are valid, we just kind of didn’t put much effort into solutions to address the concerns.

The 22nd amendment / Roosevelt thing was amusing.

Vitaliano told The Post: “She [AOC] has to address these local issues. Her district is everywhere else in the US. Her heart is not in The Bronx.”

By contrast, he said, residents’ needs received much more attention under Rep. Joe Crowley, whom Ocasio-Cortez unseated in a surprise primary upset last year.

The longtime congressman’s Bronx district representative, Thomas Messina, regularly attended community board meetings, according to Vitaliano.

“Tommy cared about us,” Vitaliano said.

The DSA chose her district because it leans so heavily Democrat that whoever wins the Democrat primary wins the general election. That’s the DSA’s national strategy to gain a bigger footprint in Congress, and use that footprint to prize more power from the DNC and drive the Democrat party left btw.

So it’s hard to focus (or even care) about constituency services in a district like that. That Joe Crowley and his staff did not take his constituents for granted (I mean who they gonna vote for, Republicans?!) is only now dawning on them.

In a lot of ways the DSA is like the dog that caught the firetruck. What they hell do they do now - whoda thunk they’d ever beat Joe Crowley? Will be very interesting to see if AOC starts trying harder, or if the DSA drops the ball. They are an intensely ideological lot, after all (for example, see the Green New Deal).

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Two people have complained. One about an animal shelter, whose issue has been resolved. The other about not receiving his mail.

I’d need to see a few more complaints before deciding that her heart isn’t in the Bronx.

However, it is an issue in politics. One of the issues in the UK is politicians who have constituencies in the north of England are perceived as never being there. They are based in London.

The article points out that AOC hasn’t even set up an office yet in the Bronx. Someone from her office complains that AOC can’t find a space.

Also, somebody with Crowley’s ear regularly attended community-board meetings. Nobody from AOC’s office is attending, and it doesn’t require having a physical space there to do that.

Meanwhile AOC has made multiple splashes nationally, good and bad. I don’t think it’s a stretch to conclude that she’s take her eye off constituency services in her district.

She has time to fix things, though. Will be interesting to learn if or when she does.

It’s early days. We’ll see what she does.

It’s worth noting that while she’s only been in office since January 2019, she won the Democrat party’s primary election for New York’s 14th congressional district on June 26, 2018.

As has been pointed out, whoever wins the Democrat nomination there wins the general election; that’s why the district was chosen by the DSA in the first place.

She’s had coming up on one year now to get constituency services sorted out.

What irritates me most about her is her constant references to herself as a woman of color. Is she? Doesn’t look like it to me.

It depends. I mean, one of the “current year” talking points is that race doesn’t exist and it’s a social construct developed by the white euro-centric patriarchy to keep non white people in check…BUT, if you can claim of being part of a non white minority, you get to score victim points that help your political career.

I know what you’re thinking:“But wait…don’t those two concepts negate each other? You cannot apply both at the same t…”


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I’m irritated by her slickness in general. For example, whenever she mentions “the communities.” Communities = identity buckets, but usually she means racial identities.

I doubt she came up with the language, but “community” implies a kind of united organic whole, but what she intends is the usual identitarian trick of dividing in order to conquer. The usual political icing slathered onto an especially large turd.

AOC may be the most prominent young face of identity politics today. She seems to be very proud of it.

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I think she adds the Ocasio to make her seem more Hispanic. I’ve never known any Hispanic person actually use one of their middle names for everything.

I believe she was known as Sandy Ocasio in high school. (She went to high school in upstate New York, not NYC.)

AOC is a fabrication, I think that’s pretty common knowledge by now. Her father had a home in Queens (I believe), but her family didn’t live there during her school years.

She was recruited by the Justice Democrats (DSA) to run in NY-14 after her brother submitted an online application to them. The DSA liked the application and a video she submitted with it, invited her for an interview, “hired” her - and then worked out the logistics of her moving to and residing in the district long enough to qualify.

The “middle” name is the normal surname, the one from the father. The other is from the mother.

I didn’t know that she was backed by the “justice democrats”, who hired people who were in Sanders’ campaign. Now I understand why aoc and a few of her peers are gaining traction among previous Bernie-bros.

I think Cortez is Hispanic enough, no crees?

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