The Biden Presidency

Trouble in DNC Land. No…way. :noway:

And I swear I just saw a headline that read, “Accept Biden as POTUS and we’ll thank Trump for the vaccine.”

Yep. That’s some democracy there folks.

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It doesn’t, but even if it hypothetically could be done, they wouldn’t and couldn’t in reality.

Beijing Biden hires Goldman Sachs people. Same old shit is coming… 4 years of I told you so. (Waiting for a whatabout response about Trump)

Biden will have bragging rights to the lowest attendance of any presidential inauguration. Some common sense returns.

More like 4 years of covering stories the MSM are trying to bury. Like a forensics report on the Dominion machines used in Antrim County, Michigan.

First a judge tried to block the release by sealing the results of an audit. see here Then they released it anyway, everybody following had already guessed what kind of report it was going to be.

The report claims that the “tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020 consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors.” The Federal Election Commission allows a maximum error rate of just 0.0008 percent.

Oooof, they set the error rate about 10,000x the legal allowable limit. I’m not seeing that as news on CNN. :smile: :clown_face: :earth_asia:

In other news CNN and the rest of the MSM doesn’t cover, Joe Biden was office buds with Gongwen Dong (Chairman Ye CEFC emissary) at the same time CEFC China paid $257 million as compensation to the would-be sellers of the Rosneft. Rosneft is the 3rd largest Russian company and second largest state owned energy company. :rofl:


Hopefully we’ll get a reduction in bombings:

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A reduction in drone lynchings to a few hundred a year would be real progress.

Honestly I expect him to suck.


Biden the Uniter has his work cut out for him.

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Aw, Breitbart’s fee-fees hurt- sadness on the alt-right.


Already one positive impact of Joe being elected: The standards for what a president can say and do have been raised dramatically.


We’ll see.

Idiot logic: MY news is better than YOUR news. :roll_eyes:

And this:

So, clear student loan debt, and let the Chinese back in to higher ed, which was why higher ed kept jacking up the prices in the first place. gotcha

And wasn’t there just another scandal leak of CCP ahem…sleeper cells around world governments and businesses?

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Whaddya mean? Breitbart has confirmed it!

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It is highly unlikely that the only reason tuition in the US is so high is because Chinese students were allowed into the system. Some other reasons that have been accumulating for decades include: Declining public funding for higher ed., higher costs associated with for example administrative bloat (diversity offices, teaching and learning centres, tech support, etc.) or the facilities-arms-race (climbing walls, lazy rivers, air-con gyms, etc.), and, overpaid professors and senior university administration. Overseas students, many of them Chinese, who were willing to pay double what an in-state student would pay certainly encouraged universities to use tuition rises to offset any expenses. No doubt. But to say Chinese students in US higher education is why the cost was so high seems a simple and xenophobic viewpoint.


It’s rather amazing the universities have such a high demand from domestic and international students that have continually increased can struggle financially.

Hopefully, a correction will happen as demand drops as people are starting to realize the return on investments are getting smaller to non-existentant in some degrees.

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Have they!

I’d personally go with lazy. I should have preceded “Chinese” with an adjective. My point and perspective would have been much clearer then. My apologies. Cheers

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“Climate czar”

Agree that Breitbart is run by idiots.