The Biden Taiwan & China Thread

You can see the guests yourself on their page.

This is a huge BS event for China to spread their propaganda as victims of misunderstanding and how they are actually trying to contribute to the world. Why are all these people attending and even speaking there?

Shockingly, former labor party PM Brown was a speaker at the event even a former Mexican president.

Perhaps no major media coverage shows the sorry state of the media. It’s right there for everyone to find. China honey pots people like they did Kissinger, they’re doing it to get these people to gain legitimacy. These people are the definition of useful idiots.

Looking further in that list. Wow. Lots of former top political leaders from PM to advisors. Even Neil Bush. My understanding is China flys them out VIP style with all expense paid.


Or perhaps you make a big deal out of nothing. What you say is quite contradictive. The most probable reason western media hasn’t reported about any of what you’re crying about is because it’s just not important.

You assume that these participants are all pro-China just because they attended. You listened to any of them and know their intentions?

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This is a pro China event for propaganda. Why would they attend this? To criticize China?:thinking:

The opening speaker for this is Huang Kunming, head of the CPC central committee publicity department…also known as the propaganda department. He’s one of Xi’ inner circle and loyalist. What kind of conference do you think this was?


If Beijing Biden had a tattoo of Mao on his forehead people would still be in denial.

I still have hope for Biden. I’ve mentioned some of his advisers seem to have a hardline stance on China, some not so much.

You haven’t addressed the questionable source. I read your article and it’s ridiculous.
Who are these CNN anchors? I only saw Fareed. I love Fareed and he’s definitely not on the CCP payroll. I’ve read for years and always watch his show. He always holds the CCP to account so if you’re right, they’re wasting their money.

I did by giving you the direct source, the actual conference website, since you question the source. What more do you want?

That’s rich coming from you. Did you find the 7 million missing ballots yet?

Gold earplugs.

To accept that that’s how sources like that work. they take a real thing (Chinese working group) then add disinformation by mischaracterizing the agenda of the individuals who attended. Fareed is not pro China in any way. But your article presented him as such.

Breitbart is trash in all its forms.
Was there a China conference? Yes
Did one CNN host attend? Yes
Does this mean he’s a Chinese puppet? No, if he was he wouldn’t express anti CPP sentiments every week on his show
Is no one else reporting this because the MSM want to hide the truth? No, because it’s not important. The only way Breitbart can report on it it to sensationalize it and add some disinformation

The article as far as I’ve read says he attended the event. Idk how you want to put it. It’s a known propaganda event for China. The head of chinas propaganda committee is the opening speaker. You don’t think that’s worthy news? Former PMs heads of state and a adviser to Biden is going to listen to the head of propaganda in aggressive totalitarian regime?

Could be open season for the CCP in 6 weeks.

Maybe he was representing someone else, since he sits on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Indeed from @Andrew0409 article you can see other institutes being named. This is how the world works, these large institutions get together and decide what the rules are going to be for peasants like you and me, they then go off to their respective countries and write the legislation which eventually get’s signed by a patsy drifter like Biden and yeah, despite what they tell you in the msm sucking China dick is high on their list of priorities.

To clarify, these are the people that write legislation, politicians don’t do that. Politicians get to enjoy the lobbying process with nice trips to expensive resorts, they then pass it off to some figure head they have placed as President (normally, that got screwed up with Trump).

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Zakaria, who hosts CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS and writes for The Washington Post, along with Lawrence Summers were keen on assisting the Chinese Communist Party in their quest.

It’s quite clear

Idk why the push back. Like all these major political figures and heads of industry gets flow out as VIPs to a CCP circle jerk party with Xi’s blessing and listening to the head of propaganda for China. But the question here is the legitimacy of Breitbart?

Idk what’s happening. I’ve been more than fair in talking about Biden’s advisers. I’ve mentioned the ones that seem to draw a hard line on China and the ones that will sell us out.

No you leave out his most relevant qualification for this event, he is, on the board of directors of the Council on Foreign Relations.

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Yes, he’s a respected academic. I have attended/ volunteered at similar conferences before. Not all academics who accept invitations are in the pocket of the organization who holds the event


This was a propaganda event, are you going to deny this? Never mind the head of state propaganda being the opening speaker. Just look at the name of the event.

What’s he doing there?

I don’t know, I haven’t read the agenda. Maybe he went to speak on human rights in China which he is quite passionate about. Don’t assume motives

Come on…that’s not what happened. China isn’t letting that happen. I know you like the guy, but Occam’s razor and all.