The Comedy Stylings of the Global Times and CCP!

Yeah, and that prospect hanging over your head of being extradited to the US and spending a few decades in jail there must really soothing, like warm soup on a cold day.

We don’t even know if the two Michaels are even alive. If they are, if they get out, they will be scarred for the rest of their lives through no fault of their own.


The people at the centre of this entire mess with Meng Wanzhou.

The Canadians China illegally arrested, detained, tortured as retaliation for the arrest of Meng Wanzhou.


I hadn’t read about that. Unsurprising, but still horrible.

Yeah, apologies for not being clear. The post was meant to be read with the knowledge of the two Michaels in mind. It might look out of context without that knowledge.

No worries. My guess is that most regulars here are aware of this. While I am generally up on China related news for a foreigner, I’m not nearly as boned up it as people living in Taiwan. I’m getting there, though.


I think some foreigners here are far more knowledgeable then Taiwanese on what’s going on

There’s also a contingent of foreigners that a) don’t give a shit and b) would sell us out.

I have my personal list of B and I’m only half joking about that. Theyd be licking the gestapo boots for a few NTD.

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This one is definitely a big one for those in Canada especially. Sure, China says they aren’t in retaliation and that they were engaged in ‘illegal activities’ and ‘foreign espionage’ but the string of arrests, detentions, banned imports… come on China, you ain’t foolin anyone.

These have been responsible for hardening the opinions of China in Canada. For a country that puts so much effort into its image at home and overseas, they sure do a terrible job at it.

That’s why I said people living in Taiwan and not Taiwanese. Still too broad, I know, but I hope you get my point.

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Oh boy do I got a doozy today! China says everyone has ‘graduated’ from ‘vocational training centres’

Ok! Everyone is out living harmonious lives in the harmonious society. Nothing to see here! Time to go home!


Translation: We blocked coverage and angrily turned off the TV cause the election isnt going ouuurrrrrrr waaaaayyyyyyy! I’m also stamping my feet and throwing a temper tantrum because even though our leadership is in our 60s, we have decided that acting like five year olds is the best way to command respect from the public.


Whoops! And Fudan is or was known as the most independent university in China.


The Global Times is back with the funnies for all of us! Get ready to tickle your funnybone with this joke!
I laughed out loud on the bus to their claim that China’s political system is best suited to containing the virus. The same political system that caused this shit show to begin with. Yeah. That one.

Who’s writing these articles? The Chinese Flip Flop Party?

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Takeaway: Russia has enough power to intimidate China.

eight years are the maximum


Winning is everything in China.

Chinese state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Sun as saying that he will “definitely” appeal the CAS ruling. “This is unfair,” Sun told Xinhua. “I firmly believe in my innocence.”

During that confrontation in September 2018, Sun argued with the testers and his mother ordered a security guard to break his blood-sample vials with a hammer. Sun declined to submit a urine sample.

Oh boy. Those two ‘articles’ above really aged like fine milk.

We’ve gotten THREE, that’s right THREE opinions from the CCP

Unacceptable…when a Western country does it
Understandable…when an allied country does it
Unavoidable…when they do it.