"The Conservative Cult of Victimhood"

OK. What restrictions?

I personally agree with these states:

States that allow for late-term abortions with no state-imposed thresholds are:

But this seems within reason as well:

In the following states, the pregnancy must either threaten the mother’s life or health to permit a late-term abortion:

Those are the termination limits you support. I support earlier access.

I didnt say I supported those limits. I believe women have the right to choose that for themselves. I said I think there’s a reasonable case to be made for the latter situation. Entertaining an idea vs. Supporting it not the same.

What do you mean by earlier access?

since you are talking on abortion, I support this policy.

No you’re not. You’ve clearly stated that there is a time limit you set for terminations. Unless you’re a woman you are therefore not stating that women have a right to choose for themselves.

I’m pro choice but there are some arguments for certain restrictions on very late term abortions in very narrow cases that seem within reason.

Getting bored now.

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What a set of contortions that is!

I listed the states that have those limits. :roll_eyes:

I believe women have a right to choose for themselves.

You’re taking the rest of what I said out of context entirely, and so obviously it’s not worth considering. You literally lifted 2 words out of a 24 word sentence and presented that as my quote. You should get a gig with the NY post, seriously. You’d fit in well there.

I’m pro choice but there are some arguments for certain restrictions on very late term abortions in very narrow cases that seem within reason.

does not equal I am:

Come on, man.

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@McNulty thinks I’ve taken him out of context.

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i think you have as well. Looks like we’ve found some middle ground. See @flatlandr?

If you want my views on the abortion issue (for whatever reason):

For the second time. The AI is asking me if I’m sure I want to post it again, so it got it the first time.

Everyone can see the posts. They aren’t all stupid. At what point do you feel shame?

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if we’re reposting things, how about some love for this near-perfect beerfest reference?

the original post even has a working clip!

*for the record, i also don’t know what a CJ is

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I’m in a great mood today and taking your posts with great levity and a spirit of trying to find middle ground with conservatives, just like Flatlandr asked. Ask me how it’s going :slight_smile:

How’s it going?


Feeling good, especially now that an entire movement of TW Neo-Critical Race Theorists have emerged out of all of this.

apparently including richard spencer, which seems fitting because i’d align his views with CRT any day

also cf. stormfront or SJW, if that is still a thing

How long until 23andme stats are used for employment requirements?

Should have invested in it earlier…

I’m glad you’re feeling good. Why is it that before homersimpsun we had nobody who posts like you do. Now we have over half a dozen. It’s very odd.

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