The Dumbest/Funniest Things My Significant Other Says (II)

So you missed your chance. It wasn’t a question.[/quote]

Hehehe…never thought of that myself… :notworthy:

In the middle of an big argument between me and mine, she was trying to let me know the she wasnt kidding about what she was telling me:

Her: I really like you and wouldnt spend so much time with you if I didnt. Im not taking a piss.

Me: You mean taking the piss?

Another argument ensued…


Last Sunday my wife was watching the Super Bowl. She turned to me and asked, “What is Super Bowl Extra Large?”

For those that don’t know. Superbowl is numbered in Roman numerals. Superbowl 40 was this year making it “Super Bowl XL”

A school of fish was referred to as a class of fish…

You guys are silly! “My SO mispronounced some Engrish words cuz Engrish ain’t her first language! Awww…so ke ai!” It’s cute when one person talks about it. But when y’ALL talk about it, it’s just weird. Ok fine, some of those are pretty funny but I just hope your womenzzz know you’re posting their ke ai-ness here!

My SO thought it was Mo’s Burger. I thought that was fakkin kyoote. :laughing: And she be white.

There are definately some very funny stuff over here. My parents use to write our own speaking oddities, and it makes a delicious reading 20 years after.

Unfortunately my SO really got to speak a perfect english so quickly! This is indeed because we lived in US and in the UK, but it has already been so long i cant even remember anything funny apart from her accent in the very beginning.
It sounds too funny, I want my own share of the stuff!

The other day my sweety was telling me how to buy laundry detergent.

“Now remember to get the baby bear kind detergent. You can get any kind there is many flavor.”

I knew my breath was bad, but… :s

And just to show that I am not culturally insensitive…

She says that while she was studying in america she saw a man with the character “table” 桌 (zhuo) tattooed on his bicep.

[quote=“beautifulspam”]The other day my sweety was telling me how to buy laundry detergent.

“Now remember to get the baby bear kind detergent. You can get any kind there is many flavor.”

I knew my breath was bad, but… :s [/quote]Yes, I made the same mistake in Chinese once. I was telling my boss that I liked the herbal medicine spa pools at the swimming pool and I said 有很多口味 (there are many flavours!)

Was thinking of this thread just yesterday afternoon. We went to the ststue park along the river here in Tainan. Beautiful afternoon with many many people flying kites.
Standing on elevated ground around the Mazu staute looking over the view:

Me: Wow honey, this is a beautiful view. Blue sky, white clouds, all those kites flying in the air, the sun reflecting off the buildings…too bad I did not bring my camera.
Her: Yes, its beautiful – Hey! Did you bring your camera?
Me: Do you ever hear anything I say?
Her: Of course I do. What did you say?

the fun never stops…

Upon being unable to finish all the food on the table:

“Haha, your eyes are bigger than you thought!”

(so close, baby… :wink: )

I will go to prison for cooking green sweet potatos…

Me: I am thinking of cooking the sweet potatos tonight.

Her: Good idea. But check to see if they are growing green. Dont cook them if green.

Me: Sure.

Her: If you do you will be prisoned.

Hahaha…it was so cute at the time.

She meant to say “poisoned”

This one is probably just scary…

Text message reads: This week very busy maybe see you on Saturday. Miss u and love u too. and if I find you ai ai others I must cut your penis.


I don’t think that’s dumb or funny :snivel:

[quote=“bismarck”]This one is probably just scary…

Text message reads: This week very busy maybe see you on Saturday. Miss u and love u too. and if I find you ai ai others I must cut your penis.


I have been told that too by my GF. She thinks it is hilarious… :astonished:

[quote=“bismarck”]This one is probably just scary…

Text message reads: This week very busy maybe see you on Saturday. Miss u and love u too. and if I find you ai ai others I must cut your penis.


Uh… yes. Scary. :runaway:

That’s scary, man. :loco:

When we still had our eatery my wife came in the kitchen and said “one order vanilla steak” … :astonished: ??? vanilla steak ??? honey, we don’t have vanilla steak … yes she said, it’s the one grilled with the butter on top … :unamused: Oh. you mean grilled steak with herb butter … back than I wondered why she would say vanilla when she means herbs but now I think it’s not that big a mistake but just a way of describing herbs as I saw the same translation in the Asiaworld department sore foodcourt … they had vanilla stew or something … :s

I have baby rabbits. They poop everywhere, but the poop is small and round and dry and so not as offensive as, say, dog poop, so I don’t clean the cage every day.

“Even the poop is cute, you still must to clean it.”

Cute? :loco:

Oh and my gf has on multiple occasions threatened to castrate me. Gives me second thoughts about letting her have a key to my apartment.

I’m mostly wondering when I’m suposed to meet mine.

She allways say 20minutes later, but not later than what.

Later then we first agree about?

[quote=“Stian”]I’m mostly wondering when I’m suposed to meet mine.

She allways say 20minutes later, but not later than what.

Later then we first agree about?[/quote]

Hahaha…I so know that one. My SO says that all the time. Then again, even if we agree on a certain time, she’s always 20 to 30 minutes late anyway.