The Employment Gold Card Super-Thread

Yes, please name banks. Each bank has its own set of rules. Really annoying. So we need to sort out the foreign friendly ones. Hence, name of bank and which branch is vital.

Whatever financing company Nissan uses. Okay, it’s called 裕融企業股份有限公司 and on the site it says ‘Taiwan Acceptance Corporation’ in English. I actually thought it was owned by Nissan but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

You may be a Foreign Special Professional™ if…

(Reminder: special is one grade below outstanding.)


How much did you pay?

Here’s information on the online application form for the “Employment Gold Card.”

Employment Gold Card Permits for Foreign Special Professionals

And that link leads to…


Correct. Here is more, but only in Chinese so far


And here you can apply online

They also have a bilingual list of criteria in the pdf at the bottom of the “Qualification of Foreign Special Professionals” page:

20180301特定人才中英文彙整 direct link:

Does anyone has made the application ? or anyone knows how much time the whole process takes?

Forward Taiwan had put up a post last week saying they are meeting with the goverment and let them them know of any questions you want answered regarding this act. Might be too late at this stage but never know.

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I’m a software developer living taiwan but I only have a tourist visa so every 3months I have to go for a visa run which is kind of annoying.
Is this gold card suitable for me ? Or they are looking for brainwashed monkeys?

I have a good job and making good money but I don’t have any diplomas, I left my master in a private school after 3 years (needed 2 more expensive useless years to get that master).

I hope he is able to survive without his servant!



You funny american but I’m from Europe, private schools are not about $40k a year. And ask yourself why I stopped after 3 years :slight_smile: genius

I am not American. :slight_smile:

But I agree that high tuition totally sucks.


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The eligibility in Science & Technology field. In Chinese, though.


  1. 曾經或現任於其他國家或於我國最近月薪達新臺幣十六萬元。

  2. 在各類軟體應用、軟體技術、奈米、微機電技術、光電技術、資訊及通訊技術、通訊傳播技術、自動化系統整合技術、材料應用技術、高精密感測技術、生物科技、資源開發或能源節約及尖端基礎研究、國防及軍事戰略等尖端科技上具有獨到才能或有傑出研發設計或有新創實績。

  3. 在人工智慧、物聯網、擴增實境、區塊鏈、虛擬實境、機器人、積層製造等前瞻科技上具有獨到才能或有傑出研發設計或有新創實績。

  4. 諾貝爾獎得主(Nobel Prize)、唐獎得主(Tang Prize)、沃爾夫獎得主(Wolf Prize)、費爾茲獎得主(Fields Medals)或其他相當資格之國際獎項得主。

  5. 國家科學院院士、國家院士級學者。

  6. 現任或曾任大學講座教授、教授、副教授、或研究機構之研究員及副研究員,在學術上有重要貢獻或重要專門著作或最近3年內有研究成果發表為國際所推崇者。

  7. 獲得博士學位後,繼續執行專門職業或於研究機構從事研究工作或於科技機構從事科技研發或管理工作4年以上者。

  8. 在特殊技術或科技機構之科技研發或管理工作上,具有獨到之才能,為國內外所少見者。

  9. 具有博士學位且其專長為國內所欠缺者。

it’s just not really credible… especially after having checked out their form / website to apply for it

Anyway I called the immigration and seems like you’ve got to be a famous wizard to get that gold card. They told me the other way is to apply for a regular working visa via a TW company… so basically getting sponsored which I don’t want since i’m not looking to work for a tw company but opening a business here…

Is it easy to communicate on the phone about these kinds of subjects?

No ideas, a tw friend called for me and asked in chinese