The GAME CLUB oh yeah!

I’m back from California and I hope there will be a regular gathering on Sunday at 3. I hope also that Anton will be there with his English Scrabble.


I definitely will try to be there tomorrow and surely will bring the ENGLISH scrabble. I wish to teach you guys Squabble so we can play fast game. I really hope someone would beat my ego on this game or otherwise:)

Sir Donald, if you’re in tomorrow, be sure we get to play that chinese scrabble. I’ll bring the Chinese manuals that list characters usable in the game.

Will someone bring an authoritative dictionary, I don’t have a grab at that Official Scrabble Dictionary, if you guys have a good one, just bring it over.



I’ll be there tomorrow, but I’m not sure for how long. I’m gonna stop by with my brother and show him how I spend my Sunday afternoons. Maybe he’ll be up for a game of something.

MT: we missed you. We were upstairs, hope you didn’t turn up and leave because nobody was sitting downstairs. Of course, we also missed everybody else who didn’t turn up :wink:

Before Miltownkid came with his brother and his girlfriend, it was three of us: Anton, his girlfriend and me. We played Chinese Scrabble which was quite a lot of fun because I was allowed to cheat and use the list of characters you can put together :wink: (I somehow seem to lack the ability to visualize characters when I only see parts or radicals). It’s actually a great way to learn more characters, and I’ll bring my dictionary next time to look up all the characters I didn’t know.

When I left, Anton and Miltownkid were about to start another English word game.

Hope there’ll be some more people next time.


Yesterday was great. I guess MT must still be busy with the social work in India:) The Chinese scrabble is hard to play, but you get to learn the radical and have a better grasp of Chinese character’s parts. After Iris left, we played Webster Word Madness after which we continue with Squabble. Miltownkid: I love this game… make sure you beat me next time around:)



No social work lately. Just a new job, new apartment, trip home, visitor from home, too busy for Sunday gatherings, almost too busy for Segue. But, I look forward to returning. Played chess last night with my visitor, who’s finishing his PhD in Physics, and I felt like a child. Might as well have been playing Chinese scrabble.

In case anybody cares for the weekly update:

I was on my own. :frowning: Luckily, I had my book, so I snuggled into one of their comfy leather chairs and sipped my Earl Grey Milk Tea before I asked Rascal to join me with a Sunday afternoon Cheese cake.

I guess it might take a couple of more weeks to really pick up again (maybe after CNY?). Hopefully, by then, we’ll see the regulars and not-so regulars again, as there are: Miltownkid, Mother Theresa, Bao Bao, Alleycat, Anton, BBC, Sir Donald Bradman, Salmon, Amos, Chessman and whoever else I might have forgotten.


Iris, miltownkid, SDB, MT, AlleyCat, et al,

I wrote some short instructions on how to play squabble, tell me what you guys think. We play again sometimes.

Click Here to see the short instructions…


OK, this time I really mean it. Been away too long and the Sunday gatherings really have been fun, so I will definitely be there this Sunday at 3. Sorry to leave you alone last week Iris. I hope all the old regulars will be there and maybe a few new people. :smiley:


make sure you learn how to play squabble:)


Hey, where is the weekly update?

Here: MT kept her/his promise, Alleycat turned up, too (thanks :wink:) and brought a friend, and we had two “newbies”: Okami and ImaniOU.

As usual, it was a nice Sunday afternoon in a great location with interesting people to talk to and interesting topics to talk about. In fact, it was so interesting that we didn’t get to play any games :?

Isn’t it great what developped out of that initial post by Miltownkid months ago? Keep it up, guys!


Let’s have some real scrabble next time.

I got real scrabble and am kken to play it, so barring emergencies, I’ll be there this Sunday.


Practice your Scrabble First
And bring a dictionary, so that nobody coins word instantaneously.


Like “instantaneously,” Anton?



Scrabble and chess, Sunday at 3? :smiley:

Hopefully Sir Don will be there with his board, Ax with his scrabblemania, along with everyone else.

I will sure be there. Have seek permission from my cuiama.
I hope you will play Squabble with me…I’ll let you win:)

I see if I can get a dico unless otherwise, miltownkid has an english dico loaded on his tungsten and bring it along with him.


I have a big dico that I bring with me everywhere I go.

are you sure it’s correct spelling:)
don’t mix O.K.


Darn, it was on a triple word score too. :?