The Morgue 2020

Won’t beat this one.

The only time he died on stage.

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That was hard to watch.

Aw man.
Another great MLBer I’d watch games of growing up in the 70s.
I can still remember how he stole bases.

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I remember bringing a transistor radio to school to listen to the 68 world series, which Brock just tore up. Brock vs Denny McClain and Brock v Mickey Lolich were electric.

Great ambassador for MLB, will be missed.


Prostate cancer, age 72; too young. I stole and still use the phrase “baby-xx” from Mike Sexton (baby Ace, baby King, etc.). I’ll miss this guy. Loved his commentary with Vince Van Patten.

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Let’s all celebrate and have a good time…


RIP Mr. Hibbert. :cry:


A rocksteady giant…loved his voice so much.



Damn, one of my favorites. Likely from Covid too :cry:

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Alien Huang, Taiwanese actor and singer, dead at 36

Never even heard of him.

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Yeah. Nor recognize the face.
But, can add his first name to the list of weird ones chosen by Taiwanese.

I have a friend with an English sheep dog named Alien, so I’m pretty used to it.


“Weird” is what normal people say when they mean “awesome”. :2cents: :flying_saucer:

Hurts. Crouch will be missed in jazz and in American politics. One of the few columnists I went out of my way to read. I didn’t pay much attention to his race and political stuff, but as a non-musician I found his jazz criticism to be among the best voices to follow that conversation.

I’ve been applauded by black bus drivers, subway drivers, mechanics, various people who have come up to me and said, “I’m sure glad somebody is saying it.” That’s enough for me. I don’t care what some trickle-down Negro Marxist says.

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