The Nazi nutter - censorship?

you’re quite the open person, @mad_masala, why not strike up a conversation with her?
Tell her you’re a historian and you’re curious where she got the flag.
Considering all the pseudo-sexual stuff you put up here, you are certainly not a shy guy.
Try it. Her answer about the flag could surprise you and educate us.

OK, maybe. But I don’t think she speaks a word of Ayapanenco.

take a Taiwanese friend to translate.
don’t be so shy and demure.

Where is the shop ? I want to chat with her

exactly… why are foreigners so afraid to strike up a conversation about these subjects.

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Don’t mention the war.

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Which one?

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This one:

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I think in this case the phrase “Wild guess” denotes ironic understatement. While I can’t recognize any Aryan bone structure,* I can see a whole lot of “I just work here.”

*I’m aware you’re joking, too.

It could also be, “Oh, god. Why is this asshole foreigner taking my picture? He’s probably a molester.”

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Masala will never be on the supreme court: confirmed

Uber Alles account cancelled

Man…and he was this close!


All of those swastika stickers on your rewards card are useless now.

Trying to humorously connect two things here (and miserably failing as usual)

A recent thread on someone whose Uber account was cancelled


Your act is just too esoteric for us Joe Sixpacks…

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You mean the guy who was under investigation because of something related to Uber?

You on Kratom today or something?