The New York State News and Politics Thread

I’m getting a tingle in my leg.

So much gaslighting, so little time

“It’s both true that crime is down from the 1990s and that it has been increasing and that people feel uncomfortable,” said Mark Levine, the Manhattan borough president. “Democrats have to be able to talk about that and offer real solutions.”

This guy seems to get it. But, so did Adams.

Ah those fickle racist suburbs. :laughing:

The woke shit has turned off suburban moms

They found out black peoples thought they were the problem, not the solution. Serves them right for being wishful washy. I knew a few who wouldn’t support the pussy grabber, but had no problem supported the dems despite the metoo legacy Billary left.

More flyers.

I don’t like problems being solved. I’m going for Ashby.

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voters are sick and tired of being told to be “scared of” (X party) after 2+ years of stupid sheet scare-mongering by the gov’t over a stupid virus. Most of scare-mongering is Dems saying the world will end with Repubs winning House and Sentate. Voters are like, “yeah, wrong about COVID, wrong about this”.

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Interesting take.that the scare mongering is mostly one sided. I hear the most you should literally be afraid for your safety type.messagea from the other side.

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I see way more signs for Z, but this is upstate. We don’t mean shit.

My good friend who is close to the political elite in NY says

Watch the numbers in NYC. If Zeldin gets more than 30% in NYC then he likely wins.

She also sees Long Island going red.


All we got was Stefanik. :roll_eyes:

Good article, touches on some of the parts of Brooklyn we talked about @jdsmith

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There is much talk, as there should be, of how Republicans will likely secure their House majority through victories in New York. Since Zeldin crushed Hochul on Long Island, Republicans swept all four House seats there. They drove out Sean Patrick Maloney in Westchester and flipped Antonio Delgado’s old seat in the Hudson Valley. They chipped away at the Assembly’s Democratic majority, though it appears it will remain veto-proof. The Long Island washout hurt State Senate Democrats, but redistricting had been kinder to them, and they were able to net seats elsewhere. On the state level, at least, Democrats will be in full control, with progressives and socialists able to advocate for tangible change in Albany.

Can’t wait. :roll_eyes:

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Buffalo is getting pounded.

yeah, but will the Bills game still be played. that’s the key question

They moved it to Detroit already.

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no fun. won’t be watching then. I wanted to see them run/throw in a blizzard.


Makes me wanna watch football today. That and it’s like 25F outside.

Good game Bills up 25-10. Adds for Jesus on the TV stream.

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About time.

I was in NY last week for the first time and while I enjoyed it overall, the amount of crazy people on the streets and in subway was astounding. Almost every single subway ride featured a crazy person screaming nonsense. The city was also incredibly filthy and smelled foul almost in every corner lol.