Tourist on Ketogenic diet in Taiwan

Haven’t shopped there in years can’t stand the crowds for one. Plus other places have more selection now.

I don’t mind feeling a bit hungry. I’m weird but I get a kick out of it. Anyway meals taste better when you are hungry.


Ahhhh the good old days…come see me when you fall off I’ll walk you through the next phase

Hope I’m on a permanent high here never looking down.
Best shape in twenty years. :grinning:
Not keto diet either enjoying some cakes and odd beers .

Ahhhh those were the days. Good memories :heart:

My secret weapon : exercise and not eating too much. intense bursts of activity at the gym to get the cardio rate up.

You remind me so much of Me 2013

Never too late.

Glad to hear you don’t work for a local company :wink: we should all strive for a better lifestyle

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Conveniently left out the bag of chips beer and nuts in the pic of see :wink:

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Not today
I’ll have some cheese if I feel hungry later .

I just use the community sports centers and psy as you go gyms. They are open every day morning to late.

What i meant was punching in at 8:30-9am and punching out at 6:30- 7pm, fighting your way through traffic starving eat dinner at 8pm if you’re lucky…where are you fitting the gym in? You must work for a 外商。

Of course this is all just me making any excuse I can for for not working out


I get it 100%. I don’t have such a restrictive schedule these days.
Still there’s got to be ways to fit in sessions. Weekends are free time also. I try to have two sessions on weekends. Also I will go at Lunch times sometimes .

It’s all good. I’m watching local news scooter accidents that usually gets me up and agitated enough to do some pushups.

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McDonald’s sells a grilled chicken salad. Just skip the dressing and bring your own olive oil.

God have mercy on our souls

You make a good point though.
Those kind of hours are going to have consequences quite often. By the time you get to Friday it’s beer and chips a clock…
Western countries aren’t always better in terms of commuting time, but there is way more flexitime , working from home and the real possibility you can finish on time .
When a job affects your health it can be time to look for a new job . Easier said than done in Taiwan .

Yes but where there is a will there is a way. I’ve had good successes with the at-home military work out in the past. No excuses. No surrender. No defeat

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