Trump has Covid-19

I wish no one harm, but I wouldn’t mind him experiencing some of the more unpleasant symptoms of the disease to get a better understanding of what so many people have gone through while he kept on downplaying it.

I find this more embarrassing than anything.


It certainly makes it more difficult for Biden to attack him while he is ill, but then, Biden has not been aggressive anyway. If this is some kind of intentional distraction, I am glad he didn’t go the “let’s start a war route”.

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I really don’t see how this helps him at all.

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Sympathy vote?

So what if Pence gets it too and both end up in the ICU?

Will Pelosi step in as president? OMG, can you imagine.


He is not ill, he’s just positive and has no other complaints. His ‘tweet finger’ still works.

He just wants to skip the debates as he figured out he made a fool of himself.



Posting this as I am seeing some posts getting flagged, no matter how much people may detest Trump and I’m sure many do. Wishing death or harm on someone is going to be considered offensive by many in our community as such please consider if what is going to be posted will be considered offensive by others.

Thank you.


Oh f…, what if Trump, the super spreader, has infected a large number of key figures in the government?

That really worked out with boris johnson. Look how well the uk is currently dealing with the virus! and he almost died from it.


She would have been a much better candidate for President if the left weren’t so intent to trash her as a “Russian”.


In his spoken statement, he claimed Hick got sick even though she wore masks. Not satisfied with bring named the greater source of disinformation, he uses his bully pulpit to keep on fighting science.

Problem is Trump is elderly, overweight, who knows what other conditions he may have making his case a very dangerous one.


… and often did not …

100%. The democrats seem to think that lurching further left will do them favours. As seen in the last UK election - it won’t.


She was just signal-boosted by Russian bots and RU state media ad nauseam - also constantly repeated Kremlin talking points. She and Stein both.

I am sure that is all just a coincidence though. :sweat_smile:

Reagan and other now deceased Cold War era US gov personnel must be tired of spinning in their graves, seeing major elements of the Right today so flippantly flirting with RU and whitewashing the authoritarian kleptocracy there. We sink closer to the rock bottom of idiocracy each day as a country.


Well, I’m not saying there wasn’t a significant proportion of the left that buy into the nutty narratives that the media push out, they seem to fall for them every time.

A little disheartening people are not a tad more skeptical of the codswallop constantly pushed, but it is what it is.

Same people probably missed the latest intel drop that Hillary Clinton was going to concoct a Russian narrative to distract from her emails and the intelligence agencies knew the entire time. The media knew of course, but they don’t care.

Ah yes, our dastardly mainstream media reporting (accurately) that RU state media, and RU state actors were pushing hard for Gabbard at the time, and that Gabbard talking points and RU disinfo talking points greatly overlapped. Shame on them.

The RU narrative is actually a thing. The Kremlin is not a cuddly puppy that has no intention of sowing chaos and discord in the US like you seem to suggest. They strongly wanted Trump to win, and there is BIPARTISAN agreement in Congress that they wanted the political tent of the Left to be set ablaze with infighting in order to further increase the chance of success for their chosen candidate. Among other things, they hacked Clinton’s emails, and dispersed them (laundered them I suppose) through the medium of a hostile non-state actor (Assange/Wikileaks) so as to maintain a thin veil of plausible deniability.

It is funny. You see a tweet (now deleted) of Mike Pompeo salivating about Wikileaks right after they dumped the Clinton emails. He is now staunchly against Wikileaks, and has denounced them while speaking to the public. Why? Was he duped, or was he in on it for a bit simply as an opportunist? Either way, he should have been disqualified for getting to be head of CIA and then SoS. America is so compromised.

Yet here we are, debating about RU infiltration and chaos sowing even happening then and now.

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Not really interested in a never ending debate on something that to me is just stupid, she served her time in the military and served her country, I found the media narrative stupid, but the Democrats want a candidate they own, like Joe Biden.

Same reason they didn’t let Bernie Sanders win. That’s just the simple truth, swamp want’s swamp things, and Joe is as swampy as it gets.

Other than that, Tulsi’s tweet shows she has class, I wonder how many other Democrats will do the same.


Nice sidestep. Enjoy dancing alone haha.

We obviously have different interpretations of reality.

I grew up quite Republican, and still to this day consume vast amounts of right wing media.

On a fun side note: you can tell a lot about how a group views it’s supporters by the ads they run during their programming.