Trump - when will the obsession stop?

Judging by this thread, no time soon.


I donā€™t agree or disagree on any principle. And I do know why Iā€™m either pro or contra for one decision or another.

Agreed letā€™s hope the death cult can drop him and not tie up all of their fortunes with him. Time for some normal Republicans to take the stage again. Too bad they only have a few like Romney. I sense some internal strife coming in the party as the GOP deals with the death throws of Trumpism, and his supporters refuse to let go. Or continue to apologize for him as evidence above.

Either they will leave Trump behind and lose his voters, or continue to tongue his nuts at any cost to keep them.

You can guess which one will happen.

Even though by now they should know that Trump will drag them down farther and farther, they canā€™t help themselves.

It may be quite entertaining to witness though, Trump with a sole agenda of maintaining his cash flowā€¦I mean loyal following, and Republicans determined not to piss them off. Even as Trump craps all over them.


Q: Trumpā€¦when will the obsession stop?
A: January 20th, or if he stops screwing things up earlier (he wonā€™t).
I mean, I used to be obsessed with Dubya, then he left office, and I doubt if Iā€™ve mentioned him outside of historical context since. Iā€™ll probably mention Trump during his fraud/grand larceny trial.

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Itā€™s understandable. Powerful men can be very attractive.

I can see the obsession isnā€™t going away with your post. The people who hate him still canā€™t take a joke and are posting with such seriously and anger.

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Romney is as establishment a Republican as they come. The establishment, from either the left or right, are the power that be and they donā€™t have your interests in heart, they are keen to fatten their own wallets and hand more power and control to corporations who in turn get richer at your expense. That has always been the battle, not left vs right.

But for now it seems the establishment get back in power, will surround themselves with the usual crooked lot. They are such a predictable stubborn lot, expect them to make a beeline straight for Russia and start sucking Iran dick again with perhaps a renewed interest in supporting the non stop wars in the middle east. To the benefit of no one and the loss of life and displacement of god knows how many.


Iā€™m sorry but I donā€™t subscribe to the establishment cabal nonsense. Thatā€™s as if to say our entire history, or whenever you think the establishment started, up to this point is all corrupt has been unable to achieve any progress. We have seen some of the greatest times of growth and prosperity under the ā€œestablishmentā€ (everyone but Trump). Saying establishment as if itā€™s a dirty word means nothing to me.

If establishment means competence in how to deal with a pandemic, then fuck yes I want that. If it means a basic understanding of the constitution then yes I want that too. In every other job, your qualifications matter so why would it not here? Sooner or later youā€™re going to have to come to the realization that a reality TV star is maybe not the most qualified person to run a country. Five times as many have died over the last 8 months than have died during a decade of the Vietnam War. The results are there for all to see. And no itā€™s not the same all around the world. The world looks to the US for leadership, and we have failed.


Itā€™s a matter of understanding how things work. I would take the time to explain it to you, with mountains of examples. because I actually think you are a tad smarter than some of the other ones just regurgitating talking points.

Understanding how things work is important, people arguing left vs right look to me like a person pushing a door that is clearly marked ā€œpullā€, I would like to explain but they tell me to go away and just push harder. After that what can I do except watch them keeping on pushing the same idea and rejecting the possibility there might be an alternative to what they are doing.

You have mentioned the Council on Foreign Relations before but I find it hard to believe there is so much coordination as to create an establishment. Perhaps elaborate more there. The real world is messy with multiple competing interests so every politician working together to the level of a conspiracy to suppress people I find ludicrous. I have faith in our system.

I would agree to the concept that dark money is one of the major obstacles that lead politicians to not represent our interests. However, electing someone like Trump doesnā€™t solve that. The alternative to what you call the establishment, and what I call qualified candidates, seems to be far worse as we have seen over the past 4 years. Incompetence is dangerous and qualifications as well as the man/woman and character behind those qualifications really do matter.

I will elaborate more later on. But I put it to you, if you were to ask Trump supporters, which Republican is the biggest sell out establishment piece of crap, over 90% would say Romney.

Donā€™t you find it a little odd that was the name out of all Republicans you thought other Republicans should emulate?


Many Republican voters live in an alternate reality, and their world view has become entirely Trump centric. This was clear to me after they disavowed McCain. Not only do they want separate news sources, but they also want entirely separate social media. Even Fox is not good enough for them anymore. So my perspective on reality doesnā€™t change on the whims of the Trump base. They can choose to join society or live in their own world. The latter will only benefit democrats.

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Romney is considered a democrat by most republicans in all but name

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Yes, Trumpism isnā€™t going away. The people who love him still canā€™t take a joke and are posting with such seriously and anger.

Youā€™re the one that missed the jokes soā€¦

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Was there ever a joke? I guess I must have missed it.

How can Trump be more Trump than berlusconi? It seems clear that itā€™s poking fun at them.

Most people donā€™t really know much about Berlusconi outside of Italy.

Name of said network?


Grab 'em by the?

Covfefe daily?