US Citizen - Buy Crypto directly with TWD without transferring money to US Bank First?

So you stopped buying at 1750 but recommend others to buy at 4300? Please put that in the description next time.

Fair enough then! I am still a fierce believer that traders are mainly behind these big moves, so I will post this here, just for the sake of it as i have been following some traders and the well known Fibonacci tool (a trader tool) gives a BTC price around either 210k or 270k for the end of the cycle, if previous bubbles repeat.

Of course no one should invest according to such prediction, but just curious to see if it will happen!

I’ll also leave this website Charts page has some good advice.

Why? It’s still cheap.
BTC is too.

It’s a fair point though. You haven’t really answered his question.

Doesn’t really matter. The only reason I’m not buying ETH every month now is because I’m buying BTC.

Well it does to the person who asked the question and is interested to buy ETH st double what you last paid for it.
I bought 10k USD of ETH at 2,700 USD…Last purchase. And vast majority at much lower.
My investing and trading is all related to DeFi coins st this time. I have about eight different ones I’m invested in . I don’t think it’s safer than ETH but more interesting and upside potential is good too especially if they can get L2 moving quicker !!


You can also use eToro, they will verify your ARC and you will be ready to go in no time. (Faster if you deposit some funds, I deposited 200 via my Post Office Card and it was verified within hours)

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That’s the benefit of having lots of majors. You can siphon some into the new moonshots without really hurting your overall position.

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And take nice profits quickly when they spike on low liquidity . I think somebody Fat fingered a buy in injective protocol yesterday or on low volume…Anyway nice profit for me cleared my whole position . :grin:

Defi coins are good they have utility so grow over time and spike sometimes . If they drop good chance they’ll bounce back. I’ve made a lot of money from defi speculation but also getting in early to AAVE.:sunglasses:
I personally doubt many new moonshots will be successful in defi long term prospects are excellent for the top platforms as they have the liquidity and trust and still early days.

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I’m still long on INJ. I dumped my GRT last month when Buterin said all those search and indexing tools are unnecessary because they are already built into ETH. I feel lucky cause it is crashing hard and a lot of tokens haven’t been released yet. INJ is still going up today though, so maybe not a fat finger. I think one of the platforms that uses zero knowledge proofs to confirm identities and credit rating for defi could eventually moon, but I have no idea which it will be. It’s also possible it all gets shut down by the feds, so I want to stay mostly in the majors.

BTW, have you seen the methods of using ZK proofs to compress blockchains into a few MB? Seems like with sharding and that there is little reason not to have everything on chain eventually.

I’m not that into the tech I just read up on it occasionally such as optimistic rollouts. I mainly check which DeFi protocols are heavily used and their development scheduled and when they will implement the L2s. This ZKsync innovation looks awesome

And it’s impossible to bet which one moons so invested across 8 different ones.

I don’t think anything much can be shut down by any Feds.

What a great guy Vitalik is!
As for INJ yeah it may well go up much further but I already made a sizeable profit on it and had way too much invested in it.

But you don’t own any BTC if you trade on e-toro, am I wrong?
And if you long Bitcoin, I guess you pay a daily fee?

Investors Confuse Ethan Allen With Ethereum: Shares up 50% Over Average Price

Which Eth is cheap?
Just teasing you, but funny news.

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19th May, 2021 a day to remember :hugs:

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Hell yes!
Great buying opportunities.

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I didn’t own any crypto in March 2020 and I remember 12nd March it was fascinating.

Now I have like 5k investment in BTC and ETH, watching the price move today was like science fiction

I didn’t think BTC would get this cheap again. Thank you, China.

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Ethereum went down to $1900, it was at $4000 a week ago

This is probably whale speculators dropping the price with massive coordnated and stepped sells and then pick up some cheap BTC, ETH and make some cash profit at the same time . 30k BTC moved into exchanges on the weekend.

And panic…and defi loans getting called in.

The China thing is complete bullshit it’s an obvious media plant I saw them do this in 2018 also.

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It’s not for the faint hearted that is for sure. :sweat_smile: