Visiting researcher is COVID positive - who to contact, if anyone?

Fellow forumosans, a visiting researcher who recently came to Taiwan from abroad has just tested positive today.

What is the protocol / process?

Location: Taipei City.

Should this person call someone?

Please help. Thank you!



While awaiting responses, allow me to say that this may be the shittiest, least helpful, most self-congratulatory webpage I have seen in a while. It confirms my opinions of the current Taipei City government. I hope Ko’s protege loses the upcoming election.



At least they haven’t wasted any taxpayer money optimizing it for mobile:

I assume your colleague just needs to use the EUCARE app or go to a clinic/hospital if they want the positive diagnosis, like anyone else? If they don’t have NHI, I guess the process would be a bit more annoying, but would presumably still work.


I advised her to isolate for seven days. And if she experiences any serious symptoms, she should call 119 as per these instructions:

Should I add anything else?


Are they still in the 7 day self check period?

I’m only shocked that you’re advising her to break the rules. Though I am impressed, you almost just made me faint as I was crossing the road.

I think I need to sit down.

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No, that’s over, and has been for a while.


Make sure to keep your mask on, and social distance.

There, are you feeling better now? :slightly_smiling_face:


This doesn’t apply here, does it? I thought people testing positive were still supposed to report it and quarantine for 7 (really 8) days.

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That was actually my question. Report where?


I answered. The government, via the app or a clinic/hospital. That’s where the daily inaccurate numbers come from.

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Thanks, but I was hoping for something a little more concrete, given how stunningly bad the Taipei City info website is.

EDIT: Thank you @quandary for the link. I feel it’s a bit sad I need to go to yahoo news to get basic details that are difficult to access from Taipei City where I pay my taxes.


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I mean, you truncated the quote just before the part that’s more concrete, and I’ve said it twice now - they can report it via the app or at local clinic or hospital. The choice of clinic will depend on where they are, of course.

So after testing positive on a rapid test, she should just pull up at a local clinic? I’ve heard this is a no-no, possibly causing more harm than good.


This is monolingual Chinese right? This visiting researcher is not a sinologist, she doesn’t speak or read Chinese.

I don’t even know where she can download it. Hence my hope for more concrete help.


This is exactly what she should do, its what i was told to do when i phoned 1922

Edit: By clinic you mean hospital not the street corner type, just go to ER


All major hospitals have outdoor COVID clinics. Of course, she should not take public transportation to get there.

Ahhh, so back to the epic cross-town youbike journey we’ve read about. Ahhhgh.


This is the harder part. She shouldn’t just go to a random local clinic, no. I believe she’d need to call around first. That’s what I’ve heard from people who’ve done it, anyway. Or a major hospital, like the city hospitals. I believe there’s a list but I’m not sure if it’s publicly available. 1922 should be able to advise based on where she lives. It should be 24 hour English service.

Sure it does more harm than good. Nonetheless, this is what I was advised by 1922 when I tested positive - that it’s fine to go to clinic or hospital for confirmation but I should avoid public transport. It seemed ill thought through to me as well.

I deleted it last week or so, so I can’t check, but the app does have an English setting. Though it doesn’t help much because, unfathomably, 90% of the info is in uncopyable, unscreenshottable Chinese. I was able to figure it out though, despite not reading Chinese and not being a sinologist.

Wherever she normally downloads app - Play Store and so on.

1922 and a clinic might still be the easiest bet. Perhaps it would be an interesting exercise for you to try - it’ll give you some first-hand experience of how well the government measures you like to support are working in practice. It all seemed rather chaotic and disorganized to me, even though I did it after the initial surge in cases.

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