Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

You’re lucky you’re in Taiwan…

in Texas, this is how they hunt hogs…


Next thing you’ll be complaining about people blowing up pigs…

I forgot to mention that they also use a lot of fireworks when trying flush out the pigs…but usually that is during the day.

woken up after 8 am by drillers again. i never wanted to kill somebody as much as i do right now.


69 posts were split to a new topic: Bump

Similar problem in the Philippines. Well … much worse, because any random idiot is allowed to own a gun (de facto if not de jure). But the government particularly tiptoes around aboriginal issues; anyone who claims to be “aboriginal” is allowed to continue with “indigenous practices”, which apparently means shooting or blowing up endangered species, cutting trees down without any knowledge of forestry management, and setting fire to stuff.

Good luck getting the government to rein these guys in. I doubt they’d want to risk the political fallout.

So I was looking for Warner Channel on my tv and was cruising through the 20 or so channels they have where people perform live ktv - weird enough for me as it is but apparently they could do one better. This was a duet, and no, they were not performing the national anthem:



My reaction:

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I saw this ad on FB. I think it’s wack that anyone wants to look so white like they’ve been embalmed. Screenshot_20191011-114220387


omg super sexy! :eggplant::sweat_drops::sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

Sexy colostrum white

Absolutely nuts. I have that natural look that reflects light. Locals love it. Nut cases!


The last remaining frontier is skin darkening products for people with dark skin

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Just googled colostrum. If you want to be as white as mother’s milk, be my guest!

“Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals immediately following delivery of the newborn.”

That is ridiculous. Regular milk is white enough for me.

‘Immediately white, Whitening smooth, Skin white perfect’ ???

What kind of English is that?

It’s Google Translate. They’re too cheap to hire a native speaker.

The most wack thing is that Colostrum is not white! It’s usually yellow or orange…

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one of my neighbors has done it literally every this week. starting from 9, one day 8. even today Saturday. no weekend lay in for ANYONE! its not in my building so i don’t even know who it is.
the thing which is most annoying is that they insist on starting at 9. then a couple hours later they are finished with the drilling for the day. pure scum.

Common thing here is to buy an apartment and gut and redo the whole thing. They hire the A ma’s and the cute little drills and away they go

Like Trump?

That rent the drills …