Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

Went to Hualien, asked where I could swim, I was told a couple of places (drove more than one hour), but no way to swim, always forbidden…

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This weekend had some crazy waves from the typhoon though. And the beaches there are a bit dangerous at the best of times .

Water was also horribly polluted, at least in the north east.

Wrong question. You can swim everywhere.

You should have asked ‘where am I allowed to swim’.

Welcome to Taiwan.

[quote=“BHL4life, post:2547, topic:175792, full:true”] then a couple hours later they are finished with the drilling for the day. pure scum.

Not fun to listen to, but those concrete drills are fun to use :slight_smile:. Put my wimpy drill back home to shame.

Well, you do need water.

Or milk.

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maybe i’ll rent one and just switch it on and leave it to get some revenge. i already tried cannibal corpse but i think my neighbours think i’m weird enough already.

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When I first moved in here two years ago - place above me was being renovated, DIY jobbie, between hours 12am - 4am typically. Then the place above that got sold, gutted and redone. They even had a crane lifting stuff in and out of it (gongyu), wedged up the alleyway, wish I got a photo of it. Then the place across the road behind us, gutted and renoed. Then when that finished, the place across the road in front, completely gutted and redone. Now they’ve just sold the ground floor place in our gong yu, and a sign went up this morning, more Betel nut quids on the ground, random jackhammering, and little bags of dust out front.

What a pleasant neighborhood!

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is it even worth it? right now i feel i’m being done dirty, i should get a cheaper rent based on the shittiness of the noise…

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Luck of the draw. Obviously more common in old neighbourhoods and old buildings in popular areas.
The good thing about the dalou is they have rules that generally prevent this carry-on. And you don’t have to throw out your own trash on the street.

just as i was walking to the mrt station earlier i walked past a typical crazy looking person. i took a second glance as something didn’t look right. and i saw her with her hands quite openly down her pants pleasuring herself. i think i’m the only one who noticed too. nobody batted an eyelid!

Did you get a number ? :yum: I apologize in advance , it’s my meds


Maybe she was just ‘positioning’ her Kotex inlay.:thinking:


Awesome… I mean terrible. That is just terrible.

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guys she looked like she just walked out of the mental institute, it was not a positive experience lol.

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Mental health needs to be more of a priority here. A few days ago, I was at Xindian station and there was this obviously mentally ill woman shuffling around, yelling angrily at nothing in particular.

I keep telling my wife not to hang around there. Sorry about that

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At least she wasn’t the one publicly pleasuring herself. :grin: