Wanted: Men's Forum on Forumosa

Men only…
I remember when I pushed my brother in a wheelchair as he need to relieve himself.
They looked at me and I just looked on them.

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I think it’s a dessert. Something about being in quarantine is making me obsess over food, especially comfort food . . .


Knitting rope.

The Samaritans?

Sounds a bit farfetched. I’m going with the dessert explanation.

But… That’s just far too simple.

“We are around twenty years into a longitudinal study to determine if such a forum is needed. A decision will be made in 2048. Your patience is greatly appreciated.” Check the regularly updated Forumosa edicts for your edification.

I think a men’s ghetto would make more sense. Men who just couldn’t play nice would only be allowed to post in the ghetto forum. It would be like expanding the women’s forum to include all of Forumosa except for one forum. Think of it like a mental cage fight.


I think we should go the whole hog and just ban all chicks.

Or go full gay


I could go gay. Hell, I could be a mad gayer. :rainbow:

We could argue about chemical weapons while buggering each other.

If you disagree with a poster, no lube.

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There are already forums where you can discuss your sexuality.

Thats the reality of a mens forum. It would just be a purge of sheer stupidity. Men need women around otherwise they quickly de-evolve into wanking chimpanzees.


That’s no devolution. That’s the singularity.

Being wanking chimpanzees would be a bad thing?


Of course!
They can’t access Forumosa :nerd_face:

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The no-rules, safe space for (or from) toxic masculinity.

A safe space from toxic masculinity where nobody posts.

'Mosa for Men!

This thread could use a female touch right about now…